At this server working Cacti (with DB at another server) and NAGIOS.
All worked fine until this friday.
Suddenly at weekend, load average up to 250 (from normal 1-2), and "ps -ax" show me a lot of processes like that:
Code: Select all
23354 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23355 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23356 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23357 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23358 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23359 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23360 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23361 ? R 3:44 /usr/local/spine/spine 76 97
23362 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23363 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23364 ? R 3:52 /usr/local/spine/spine 98 117
23365 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23366 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23367 ? R 0:02 /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/html/plugins/syslog/syslog_process.php
23368 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23369 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23370 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23371 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23372 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23373 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23374 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23375 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23376 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23377 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23378 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23379 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23380 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23381 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23382 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23383 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
23384 ? Z 0:00 [php] <defunct>
There are now graphs in this period, off cause.
I don't understand what happens and what should I do to fix.. =(
I don't change anything at this week.
Detailed system information attached below (cause formatting left out then insert as simple text)Cacti Version - 0.8.7b
Plugin Architecture - 2.0
Poller Type - Cactid v
Server Info - Linux 2.6.9-67.0.22.ELsmp
Web Server - Apache/2.0.63 (CentOS)
PHP - 5.1.6
PHP Extensions - libxml, xml, wddx, tokenizer, sysvshm, sysvsem, sysvmsg, standard, SimpleXML, sockets, SPL, shmop, session, Reflection, pspell, posix, mime_magic, iconv, hash, gmp, gettext, ftp, exif, date, curl, ctype, calendar, bz2, zlib, pcre, openssl, apache2handler, gd, ldap, mysql, mysqli, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, snmp, eAccelerator
MySQL - 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1
RRDTool - 1.2.23
SNMP - 5.1.2
- Global Plugin Settings (settings - v0.5)
Thresholds (thold - v0.3.9)
Large Site Performane Booster for Cacti (boost - v1.5)
Network Tools (tools - v0.3)
Syslog Monitoring (syslog - v0.5.2)
Device Tracking (mactrack - v1.1)
RRD File Cleaner (RRD Cleaner - v0.36)
Update Checker (update - v0.4)
FlowView (flowview - v0.5.1)
Host Info (hostinfo - v0.2)
Error Images (errorimage - v0.1)
Create Aggregate Graphs (aggregate - v0.63)
Documents (docs - v0.1)
report it! (report it! - v0.5.0)
Realtime for Cacti (realtime - v0.34)
PHP Network Managing (PHP Network Managing - v0.6)