New PA Minimum Requirements?

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New PA Minimum Requirements?

Post by aaronsegura »

Is it possible for someone to post a skeleton setup.php with the minimum requirements for PA 2.4? Or a basic walk-through of the procedure for getting a plugin working as far as PA2.4 is concerned?

I've been trying for the better part of a day to get a simple new plugin to register, but I've been unable to using the new plugin architecture stuff. I've been using the 'thold' plugin as a guide, but have been unable to get anything going.

Here is my current setup.php. Currently "Plugin Management" goes to a blank page. If I comment out the "plugin_nodeview_version" function, Plugin Management comes up just fine.

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function plugin_nodeview_install()  {

    api_plugin_register_hook('nodeview', 'top_header_tabs', 'nodeview_show_tab', 'setup.php');
    api_plugin_register_hook('nodeview', 'top_graph_header_tabs', 'nodeview_show_tab', 'setup.php');

    api_plugin_register_realm('nodeview', 'nodeview.php', 'View NodeView Tab', 1);


function plugin_nodeview_version() {
    return array(   
            'name'      => 'nodeview',
            'version'   => '0.0.1',
            'longname'  => 'NodeView',
            'author'    => 'Aaron Segura',
            'homepage'  => '',
            'email'     => '',
            'url'       => ''

function plugin_nodeview_uninstall () {
    // Do any extra Uninstall stuff here
    return true;

function plugin_nodeview_check_config () {
    // Here we will check to ensure everything is configured
    // nodeview_check_upgrade ();

    return true;


function nodeview_show_tab () {
    global $config;
    print '<a href="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/nodeview/nodeview.php"><img src="' . $config['url_path'] . 'plugins/nodeview/images/NodeView_tab.png" alt="NodeView" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>';

The results of this are that I have a couple of entries in the "plugin_hooks" table, but nothing else that I can see. Shouldn't I at least have a tab across the top?
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Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:56 pm

Post by aaronsegura »

./plugins.php @ line 217:

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                } else if (function_exists('plugin_' . $file . '_install') && function_exists('plugin_' . $file . '_version')) {
                    $function = $file . '_version';
                    $cinfo[$file] = $function();
                    $cinfo[$file]['status'] = 0;
                    $pluginslist[] = $file;
Shouldn't that be:

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$function = 'plugin_' . $file . '_install';
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Post by gandalf » is the best we have until now. Please feel free to add all your knowledge there. For code enhacements or bugs, please use
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Post by Howie »

aaronsegura wrote:./plugins.php @ line 217:

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                } else if (function_exists('plugin_' . $file . '_install') && function_exists('plugin_' . $file . '_version')) {
                    $function = $file . '_version';
                    $cinfo[$file] = $function();
                    $cinfo[$file]['status'] = 0;
                    $pluginslist[] = $file;
Shouldn't that be:

Code: Select all

$function = 'plugin_' . $file . '_install';
No - it's just fetching the version info, to show in the little boxes on the plugin management page. I think it *should* be

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$function = 'plugin_' . $file . '_version'; 
though. $file."_version" is the old-style function to do the same job. Many plugins actually have both functions.
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