Mysql templates

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Mysql templates

Post by portos67 »

I have installed mysql-cacti-templates-1.1.1 in my cacti server.

But my graph have no data and when i enter this command for all hosts i have a result.

#php -q ss_get_mysql_stats.php --host --items bd,be,bn,bf,bi,bn --user cactiuser --pass lkdfqmke

I result :
bd:9 be:3092 bf:14 bi:1 bn:33965

Why i have no graph it is all NAN???

help me it is very urgent

thanks for all!!!!!
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Post by Vins »

If you use spine, the template cannot work (is a recognized problem)...

Try with the cmd.php poller and see if it works...
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Mysql templates

Post by portos67 »

Thanks for your anscer.

How I use cmd.php????
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Mysql templates

Post by portos67 »

I find cmd.php in settings/poller and i choose cmd.php in

Poller Type
The poller type to use. This setting will take effect at next polling interval.

But my mysql don't run.

help please!!!!!!!!
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Post by mcutting »

Check the data input source for this template. My guess is that it has a different path for the PHP binary.

You'll need to clear the poller cache if you make any changes - avoid doing this during a poller run.
Cacti Version 0.8.8b
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Mysql Templates

Post by portos67 »

Thanks !!!!

I not resolve my problem i change the path on Input string on data input methods mysql connection :

#php -q /var/www/html/cacti/scripts/ss_get_mysql_stats.php --host <hostname> --item bd,be,bn,bf,bi,bl --user cactiuser --pass toto

I have graph but it is nan!!!

how i resolve my problem???

Help me please!!!
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try changing the host

Post by tristanbailey »

hi did not work on my debian server but changing to to localhost in the config made the command run.

test the script listed here:
System Utilities -> View Poller Cache
<your website>/cacti/utilities.php?action=view_poller_cache

I have just tried it and i hope it works. I added a second host as not sure where it is used. then changed

INSERT INTO `cacti`.`host` (
`id` ,
`host_template_id` ,
`description` ,
`hostname` ,
`notes` ,
`snmp_community` ,
`snmp_version` ,
`snmp_username` ,
`snmp_password` ,
`snmp_auth_protocol` ,
`snmp_priv_passphrase` ,
`snmp_priv_protocol` ,
`snmp_context` ,
`snmp_port` ,
`snmp_timeout` ,
`availability_method` ,
`ping_method` ,
`ping_port` ,
`ping_timeout` ,
`ping_retries` ,
`max_oids` ,
`disabled` ,
`status` ,
`status_event_count` ,
`status_fail_date` ,
`status_rec_date` ,
`status_last_error` ,
`min_time` ,
`max_time` ,
`cur_time` ,
`avg_time` ,
`total_polls` ,
`failed_polls` ,
'2', '8', 'Localhost', 'localhost', '', 'public', '0', '', '', 'MD5', '', 'DES', '', '161', '500', '3', '2', '23', '400', '1', '10', '', '3', '0', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '0.06000', '0.09000', '0.06000', '0.06049', '5873', '0', '100.00000'

When you have a new localhost, go to Data Sources and change the dropdown to the new host for each mysql source.

then go back and look at the generated command at System Utilities -> View Poller Cache

I like you had tested the cmd from this thread but that was not the same query as running in cacti.

Now all mine works, hope yours does

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Mysql templates

Post by portos67 »


Thanks for your answer!!!

I have create the new device for each mysql source.

When I execute command present in System Utilities/View Poller Cache in my console serveur cacti:

php -q /var/www/html/cacti/scripts/ss_get_mysql_stats.php --host --items bv,bw,bx,by,bz --user cactiuser --pass toto

He returns:
bv:48991837 bw:1041574944 bx:984755131 by:1083093907 bz:2785

My graph is created but it is NAN.The logs files do not help me and when I turn on the graph debug.

RRDTool Says:


I'm really Lost!!!!
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Post by tristanbailey »

Hi portos67

so you go to Data Sources then choose to ADD
Selected Data Template = X MySQL Command Counters DT
Host = localhost [for me anyway, i think you have]

Then you have to wait a bit as that will start collecting data every time its polled.

Then in Graph Management choose ADD
Selected Graph Template = X MySQL Command Counters GT
Host = localhost
then it asks you to match up all the drop downs.
Supplemental Graph Template Data

After that I get an error, but it does not matter:
Notice: Undefined variable: local_graph_id in /usr/share/cacti/site/graphs.php on line 201

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/share/cacti/site/graphs.php:201) in /usr/share/cacti/site/graphs.php on line 254

I get a graph after few minutes.

If I go to System Utilities > Poller Cache Items

Localhost - MySQL Command Counters
Script: /usr/bin/php -q /usr/share/cacti/site/scripts/ss_get_mysql_stats.php --host localhost --items c6,cb,c4,ca,c8,c7,cc,c5,c3,c9,c2 --user --pass

RRD: /var/lib/cacti/rra/localhost_com_select_19.rrd

if I run that at cmd line i get
c2:51546337 c3:5323583 c4:80201 c5:24886526 c6:35224 c7:5773 c8:0 c9:454491 ca:73 cb:558 cc:9
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Post by tristanbailey »

comparing the results i got from the CMD you have the wrong data sources set up. as you have different data
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MySQL Templates

Post by portos67 »

Thank you for your answer !!!!!! But my graph is always NAN!!!!

It is the procedure that I accomplished:

-data sources
-Selected data templates ( X MySQL Command Counters DT)
-Host (
-Graph Management
-Selected Graph templates ( X MySQL Command Counters GT)
-Host (
-I add Graph Item fields ( sea the screen shot) I follow make to change Graph Items???
-He returns error for Notice:

Undefined variable: local_graph_id in /usr/share/cacti/site/graphs.php on line 201
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/share/cacti/site/graphs.php:201) in /usr/share/cacti/site/graphs.php on line 254

-I go to the graph and I sea NAN after 5 minutes.

Help me, I become very mad
Need it to change stocks????
Need it to change stocks????
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Post by tristanbailey »

does the command this process created run at the command line?

System Utilities > Poller Cache Items
then look for the mysql one.

And is your host local to the cacti install or on a different server?

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MySQL Templates

Post by portos67 »

Hello and very thanks for all!!!! but i begin crazy

Yes I enter the command line for my all devices i returns data.

php -q ss_get_mysql_stats.php --host --items bd,be,bn,bf,bi,bn --user cactiuser --pass lkdfqmke

c2:1620172 c3:59867 c4:50697 c5:1237304 c6:22544 c7:5287 c8:0 c9:0 ca:0 cb:0 cc:0

My cacti is installed in servers and my devices is servers.

Help me
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Post by damonconway »

I am having the same problem, and like the poster, I can run the command manually and get output as the script user. I'm checking all of the paths in settings; however, I cannot find where "path_cacti" is defined to check it. Any clues on that? I think that this may have an old leftover setting from when it lived in a different location on a different server. My cacti database and rras go back a few years now.

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Mysql Templates

Post by portos67 »

Thank you dor all!!!!!

I achieved has make work mysql templates. The installation was good if graphs is NAN. Go in /tmp and erase files in duplicate of machine.

I have a question???

How i can install ss_Apache_Stats in cacti?? Have you a idea or a URL for help me????
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