sidewinder - a threaded poller alternative for windows

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sidewinder - a threaded poller alternative for windows

Post by sidewinder »

It is being developed/tested and run on a w32 platform and as of yet no testing has been done on Linux.

The current version (0.11) is stable and is integrated with Cacti. The configuration variables are all adjustable through the console. It's processing my poller cache in a little less than half the time of cmd.php (21 seconds vs. 50) on a dual 700MHz. Not quite as nimble as cactid, but i haven't been able to get that to run a WMI query :-).

Works with Cacti 0.8.4
It's being run on win2k, xp and 2003

Supports cmd.php/cactid functionality
SNMPv1/v2c support
Graph Exports

If you are interested in using it there is a readme.txt contained in the zip file that has installation instructions.

Please send any feedback or problems you encounter along with a description and any errors to
sidewinder at
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Post by TheWitness »

Hey Sidewinder,

If you help in the development of the Perl Script Server in 0.8.7, and I guarentee that the WMI stuff will work with Cactid in Windows. And plus the Perl script server will increase Perl performance significantly. Aerosoul started it off and I havn't had time to follow-up. Two perl heads are better than one though.

Larry aka TheWitness
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