THOLD 0.4 on Windows - No tab or options

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THOLD 0.4 on Windows - No tab or options

Post by bunyas »

I've attempted to upgrade THOLD on my Cacti 0.8.7d install. My THOLD tab has disappeared as well as any reference to THOLD except in the "Updates" section.

I've verified my config.php and global.php have the $plugins[] = 'thold'; line in them (as well as the other plugins which ARE working).

I've run the upgrade.php script within a command window and it says "upgrade complete".

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've never had an issue with upgrading this plugin before, therefore am a bit confused on what I'm overlooking.
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Post by cigamit »

First, remove thold from your global.php, there is no reason to install it the old way and the new way.

Secondly, check your user permissions to see if the thold realms are in there.[/list]
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Post by bunyas »

In attempting to troubleshoot, I did already removed from the global.php file.

Under User Management, Realm Permissions, I do not see thold option (like I do with Weathermap, etc.) even under the admin.

I did notice in the log I have a TON of SQL errors related to what appears to be when I run the upgrade.php script (DB Exec Failed!, Error: '1146').
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Post by cigamit »

What are the errors. Also, make sure for PA 2.0, you had imported the PA.SQL provided by it, so that all the proper tables in the database. You can open the pa.sql file and verify manually that the tables exist.
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Post by cigamit »

Also, make sure you "install" it via the Plugin Management page, since I didn't see you mention that. Then run the upgrade script after that (since you already ran it once before, it would have update the interval version check)
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Post by bunyas »

Got the majority of the errors fixed. Thanks for the suggestion of running the pa.sql file...overlooked that part.

Still get one error and the thold tab still not showing:
02/24/2009 12:03:37 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"ALTER TABLE `thold_template` ADD `data_type` int (3) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER syslog_priority'

What "Plugin Management" page are you referring to? I don't believe I have ever interfaced with such a page / menu option.
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Post by cigamit »

Look at your Realms, and see if you have a "Plugin Management" realm. You should only see it after you install the pa.sql file. This is the new way of installing / enabling plugins for the future. Once every plugin is 2.X compatible, you will never have to add them to your global.php file.
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Post by bunyas »

Ran the "apply_realms.php" script and now see the option for Plugin Management under "User Management".

Granted access and now see the Plugin Management under the Console tree. A good thing.

Try to access and get the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare weathermap_version() (previously declared in D:\htdocs\cacti\plugins\weathermap\setup.php:14) in D:\htdocs\cacti\plugins\weathermap-backup\setup.php on line 22

One step forward, 2 steps back. :)

I really appreciate all of your assistance with this.
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Post by cigamit »

Remove your "backup" of your weathermap plugin from the plugins directory.
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Post by bunyas »

cigamit YOU ROCK! Everything is working great.

I appreciate your patience with me in this process. I also appreciate all of your help.
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Post by cigamit »

No problem, I'm just sitting through a meeting about things that don't concern me, so helping out is helping me to stay awake.
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