Code: Select all
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[123] PING: ICMP Ping Success (0.663 ms)
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[123] SNMP: Host responded to SNMP
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEVEL: SQL Exec: "update host set status = '3', status_event_count = '0', status_fail_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', status_rec_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', status_last_error = '', min_time = '0.86500', max_time = '50.22450', cu
r_time = '0.9515', avg_time = '1.1572465398374', total_polls = '6150', failed_polls = '0', availability = '100' where hostname = ''"
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEVEL: SQL Assoc: "select poller_reindex.data_query_id, poller_reindex.action, poller_reindex.op, poller_reindex.assert_value, poller_reindex.arg1 from poller_reindex where poller_reindex.host_id=123"
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEVEL: SQL Exec: "update poller_reindex set assert_value='88069000' where host_id='123' and data_query_id='1' and arg1='.'"
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEVEL: SQL Exec: "update poller_reindex set assert_value='88069000' where host_id='123' and data_query_id='22' and arg1='.'"
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] WARNING: Function does not exist
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[123] DS[1240] WARNING: Result from SERVER not valid. Partial Result: WARNING: Function do
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[123] DS[1240] SERVER: /usr/bin/php5 /usr/share/cacti-0.8.7d/scripts/query_4400_WLAN-Assoc.php krusty_monitor 2, output: WARNING: Function does not exist
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEVEL: SQL Exec: "insert into poller_output (local_data_id, rrd_name, time, output) values (1240, '', '2009-02-20 16:24:03', 'WARNING: Function does not exist')"
02/20/2009 04:24:03 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[123] DS[1232] SNMP: v2:, dsname: cisco4400_totalmem, oid: ., output: 253064