Loading graphs outside Cacti

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Loading graphs outside Cacti

Post by bigandy »

I've just set up a Cacti server on Ubuntu on http://cacti.ourcompany.tv/.

Of course it appears by default (I used apt-get) at /cacti on said server.

Because it's only accessible within the organisation or via VPN, I'd like to make it possible to have a flat webpage (such as /view) displaying some graphs of my choosing open to all without a login to Cacti first.

Is this possible at all? Of course, the page works and displays embedded images (links copied from the normal graph view), when you're also logged in to Cacti...

All I need is to be able to (preferably) display the image generated, or have some idea of the coding required.

Ta muchly!
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Post by soloslinger »

This may be more work then you are looking for, but the first suggestion that came to mind would be to render and display the graphs outside of cacti.

The graphs can be rendered via command line; no gui needed and you'll have a raw image file. So if you could build a simple website on the server that renders and displays a couple graphs you want, you can bypass all the cacti stuff.

plugin: 2.1
cacti: 0.8.7b
apache 2.0
php: 5.2.5
mysql: 5.1
os: freebsd 6.2
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Is there a reason why the graph export functionality in Cacti won't do what you're after?
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