
Post general support questions here that do not specifically fall into the Linux or Windows categories.

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Post by cforsythe »

First question: Would it be possible to do a bit of error checking when setting up a graph? I accidently setup a graph with 3 data sources, then specified all 3 of them to be type stack (which isn't allowed by rrdtool, which needs type area,then type stack, then stack again).

Second question:
I have a reasonably large number of hosts that I monitor the same statistics from. Is there a way to do a bulk insert into the database tables so I don't have to sit for a couple days setting up all the datasources by hand etc.?

When I run the cmd.php script by hand I see the following output:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: do_not_read_config in /avantgo/www/htdocs/cacti/include/config.php on line 15


PHP Notice: Undefined variable: sql_where in /avantgo/www/htdocs/cacti/include/snmp_functions.php on line 189

Operating System is FreeBSD 4.5, PHP 4.2.0, MySQL-Max-3.23.49

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Post by raX »

The answer to your first question is 0.8. I want to impliment a lot more sanity checking for the release even though it is not always the most exciting thing to impliment.

For the bulk insert idea you talk about, there is a user's script that may prove useful here:

The 'Undefined variable' messages in PHP are most like due to incorrect or missing php.ini parameters. More specifically make sure the following is set in your php.ini file:

Code: Select all

 register_globals = On
register_argc_argv = On
I hope that answers your questions.

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