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renvoie des données pas plus de 5 ou 10 minutes

Post by cedriko »


j'essaie en francais a tout hasard

voici mon probleme :

j'ai installer cacti sous mandriva

j'ai créer des graphiques mais les informations ne remontent pas plus de 5 minutes ou 10 minutes.

pour que les infos remontent à nouveau je suis obligé de relancer
php /var/www/html/cacti/poller.php

au début j'avais 2 problème de limite
ALERT - script tried to increase memory_limit to 67108864 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker 'REMOTE_ADDR not set', file '/var/www/html/cacti/cmd.php', line 33)
ALERT - script tried to increase memory_limit to 268435456 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker 'REMOTE_ADDR not set', file '/var/www/html/cacti/poller.php', line 126)

j'ai commenter ces 2 lignes comme ca plus de limite?

maintant j'ai ce message

POLLER : poller(0) warning : cron is out of sync with the poller interval the poller interval is '300' seconds with a maximum

si quelqu'un à une iidée?
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Post by gandalf »

Pardon de ne pas repondre en francais.
The php memory limit issue is usually solved by incrasing the /etc/php.ini memory to at least 64MB, depending on cacti version and number of targets/data sources to be polled.
The other issue reminds me of issues with crontab. Either crond is not running or you may have different cacti crontab entries is different crontabs (/etc/crontab, /etc/cron.d/cacti, crontrabs of users root/cactiuser).
If you'd like to talk to a knowledgable native french speaker, please ask fmangeant (with greetings from me)
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