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I'm proud to publish my first any very basic version of the Aggregate Plugin. Please find attached a gzipped tar file. It installs as usual. Prerequisite is at least the Plugin Arch V1.0. V1.1 should work as well (but I didn't try it yet)
download to the plugins folder
tar -zxf <the downloaded file>
enter the aggregate plugin into ./include/config.php as usual
There's no realm that needs configuring. And no sql to be imported. So it's ready to use.
Attention: It's really more of a pre-alpha version. So it's numbered V0.2. Requests for Improvement: I'm really interested in your thoughts.
----[ Purpose
This plugin aggregates graphs from Graph Management.
So all data you want to see must already exists on any existing graphs.
----[ Features
1) Aggregates existing Graphs into a single Aggregate Graph, keeping the sequence
of selected Graphs and of the Graph Items within theses Graphs.
2) Provides a new Graph Title for the Aggregate.
3) Prepends all legend items with the hostname the item belongs to.
4) Provides additional <HR> linebreaks for the very last graph item of each graph,
if needed. This prevents ugly formatting.
----[ Prerequisites
Before you install Boost, you need to have met the following pre-requisites:
1) Cacti 0.8.6i or Above. Versions of Cacti prior to 0.8.6 are not supported.
2) Cacti Plugin Architecture v1.0 (requires 3 new hooks provided as a patch) OR
Cacti Plugin Architecture v1.1 (includes the needed hooks)
----[ Installation
Install is similar to other plugins.
Realm ID is 72, but this is not yet needed for the basic function
----[ Usage
This plugin adds a new dropdown action to Graph Management, called
"Create Aggregate Graphs". To use it, please filter the graphs you want to
aggregate and select all of those you want to be aggregated. The topmost
one serves as a "template" for the basic graph properties.
If you like to aggregate graphs of different type (e.g. a traffic graph and
a graph showing the numbers of logged in users), no one will stop you doing so.
But in case you want to interpret the data, this will be left to you.
So, better aggregate graphs of same graph template.
Be aware: If the basic graphs include e.g. AREA/STACK graph items, those will
overlap on the aggregate. Please edit the aggregate and convert AREA's to STACKs
as needed.
If the basic graphs include "Totals", the aggregate will include those as well.
It may not make that much sense to include several "Totals"; so you may want to
delete some of them.
If the basic graph includes "COMMENTS", you may want to delete some of them as well.
In general, colors of graph items from different graphs will be equal. You will want
to change colors to make the aggregate better readable.
When aggregating, you will be prompted
- Title Format
Enter a new title for the Template.
----[ Additional Help?
If you need additional help, please goto
The Result. Please be aware, that two or more AREA's do not really make sense with cacti So some post processing is needed (at least for this kind of stuff)
Result.png (93.4 KiB) Viewed 25855 times
The prompt. You really should replace the title by some meaningful text
Aggregate.png (17.31 KiB) Viewed 25855 times
GoTo Graph Management and select the Graphs you want to aggregate. Then select the appropriate Action
GraphManagement.png (33.85 KiB) Viewed 25855 times
I'm sorry, but it seems, that one module was missing from the tgz file above.
Please accept my apologies. But instead of correcting this error, I invite you to visit V0.3
I just installed CactiEZ 0.4 which has the aggregate plugin already installed. I have it enabled in global.php and checked the cacti database to make sure that the SQL data was there. The cacti version is 0.8.7b, the plugin architecture is 2.1 and the aggregate plugin is 0.66. But I do not see the aggregate entry in the dropdown. Any ideas on where to look next?
Did you see the README?
You will have to visit the user account and enable the realm for using aggregate. This is quite a standard procedure for enabling plugins.
Please verify
Yea I read the README file but there is no entry for aggregate in the Realm Permissions tab for any user including admin. The entry $plugins[] = 'aggergate'; is in the global.php file. I looked at the Cacti database and verified that the entries from aggregate.sql are there. But still no Create Aggregate Graphs entry in the dropdown.
Here is the server config:
Cacti Version - 0.8.7b Plugin Architecture - 2.1 Poller Type - Cactid v Server Info - Linux Web Server - Apache/2.0.59 (CentOS) PHP - 5.1.6 PHP Extensions - libxml, xml, wddx, tokenizer, sysvshm, sysvsem, sysvmsg, standard, SimpleXML, sockets, SPL, shmop, session, Reflection, pspell, posix, mime_magic, iconv, hash, gmp, gettext, ftp, exif, date, curl, ctype, calendar, bz2, zlib, pcre, openssl, apache2handler, gd, ldap, mysql, mysqli, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, snmp, eAccelerator MySQL - 5.0.68 RRDTool - 1.2.23 SNMP - 5.1.2 Plugins
EoinDubh wrote:Yea I read the README file but there is no entry for aggregate in the Realm Permissions tab for any user including admin. The entry $plugins[] = 'aggergate'; is in the global.php file. I looked at the Cacti database and verified that the entries from aggregate.sql are there. But still no Create Aggregate Graphs entry in the dropdown.
Please make sure there's no typo in global.php as it is with your post
There is no typo. What there is is that in Plugin Architecture 2.1 besides the regular stuff you have to go to Console>Configuration>Plugin Management, select the Aggregate plugin. Then click Install and then click Enable. Then you can go to the Realm Permissions and activate it. Now I am getting the entry in the dropdown and am able to aggregate graphs. It is really a cool plugin.
Is there no hint of this kind in the README? At least it should be mentioned in the current thread about V0.66. I suppose it is wise to close this thread to avoid misleading people