Thats strange. At the end - try FF. And what about panel in Chrome ?
No luck with FF as well. Blank page, I can't see anything at all even after pressing the Update button. Would you know what could cause the problem? What else could I try ?
I can create mode to change trap's alert field. (when you open full trap view window - you can see alert field).
So, you can create rule to change this field. But I cannot create graphs, based on this field value, because I don't know which value you will use, and what it mean.
I know what you mean now. But, to make it more universal for other users, what would you say about this:
when you go to Rules tab and then click on Add new rule, you can create new rule with mode 'Monitor'. Instead of e-mail and message field you could put simple drop-down box with for example... 10 values like 'monitor1', 'monitor2'...'monitor10'. By doing this you would assign new created rule to 'monitorX' variable.
Of course values in drop-down boxes would have to be marked somehow (which one are in use already), perhaps even renamed to rule's name? This would limit monitoring to 10 concurrent sessions at the same time, but would be more universal.
So lets say that I have a firewall on the network sending snmp traps to my box about people on my blacklist trying to login to any of the services on my internal network. My linux (snmptrapd) box caches that and executes snmptt.
Now in Cacti: I would go to 'Add new rule' and:
- rule name: 'Blacklisted_Idiots'
- mode: 'Monitor'
- assign to: '1. monitor1' (new created drop-down box)
- format line search: 'Contains'
- format line: 'B-listed' (let say that my firewall marks them like that)
- hostname: my_firewall
after you click on the save button, it could re-name '1. monitor1' field to '1. Blacklisted_Idiots'.
Then you could put them all on the graph as well - maybe additional one.
How about that?