Last Scanned: Never PA2.1

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Last Scanned: Never PA2.1

Post by zkenton »

Does anyone know why PA 2.1 and/or cacti 0.8.7b will not scan for plugins? I am trying to install NPC, which requires this feature of PA2.1 to work. All I see under all of the plugin management is blank spaces and below that is
Last Scanned: Never
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Post by zkenton »

I'm sure I can dig deeper myself, but what exactly is it that is supposed to be doing the scanning?
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Post by L0gRuS »

i have some problem.
install windows bundle, then import table to sql and change file. last scanned Never.
Who have pa2.0 for 0.8.7.b?
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Post by cigamit »

That last scanned is not what you think. The whole interface was from my Update plugin, and the Last scanned is from that also. It means that the update plugin hasn't checked for updates.

As far as it not finding the plugin, it scans the plugin directory EVERY time you reload that page, so the plugin is probably installed incorrectly (or did you check the Uninstalled tab?)
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Post by flipmode »


I need help! I worked on Redhat 5, I installed Nagios 3.0, Centreon 1.4.7, NDOutils-1.4b7 and Cacti-0.8.7b.

I am trying to install NPC-2.0.0b.166. which requires this feature of cacti-plugin-arch-2.1 to work. But I have a problem, in Cacti under all of the Plugin Management is blank spaces and below that is Last Scanned: Never.

In Cacti -> Plugin Management -> Uninstalled: There are no Uninstalled Plugins :(

# vi /var/www/cacti/include/global.php
$plugins = array();
$plugins[] = 'npc';

But I can't see NPC in Cacti and I don't know why

Thanks for your help

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Post by cigamit »

"Last Scanned" means nothing unless you have the Update Plugin installed, so dont worry about it.

Did you check the permissions on the npc folder? Did you check your Cacti Realm permissions to make sure you can see the plugin?
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Post by flipmode »

Thanks for your reply and for your help
Did you check the permissions on the npc folder? Did you check your Cacti Realm permissions to make sure you can see the plugin?
I check my Cacti Realm permissions control which sections of Cacti this user will have access to and I select all the Realm permissions (Plugin Management...) so I can see the Plugin.

I check the permissions on the npc folder but I don't have ncp folder. :(
In fact, when I installed NPC, I did that:

tar xzf npc-2.0.0b.166.tar.gz
sudo mv npc /var/www/cacti/plugins/
chmod 777 npc /var/www/cacti/plugins/
chmod 777 npc /var/www/cacti/plugins/*

vi var/www/cacti/include/global.php
$plugins = array();
$plugins[] = 'npc';

But in Console –> Configuration –> Plugin Management -> Uninstalled, I don't see NPC Plugin :(

How did you installed NPC?
Did you have a npc folder ?

Thank you very much for your help

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Post by cigamit »

You are trying to install it 2 different ways. If the plugin requires the old way (global.php) then you will not see it in Plugin Management unless you are using Cacti 0.8.7d and the latest PA. Otherwise after installing it as described, you should now see some realms for it. Otherwise check your npc folder and make sure this file exists.
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Post by flipmode »

You are trying to install it 2 different ways. If the plugin requires the old way (global.php) then you will not see it in Plugin Management unless you are using Cacti 0.8.7d and the latest PA. Otherwise after installing it as described, you should now see some realms for it. Otherwise check your npc folder and make sure this file exists. /var/www/cacti/plugins/npc/setup.php

Thanks for your help, but I don't understand everything :(

How can I know if the plugin requires the old way (global.php) ?

Why do you say : "you are trying to install it 2 differents ways" ?
I think that I installed NPC using only one way. I installed Cacti-0.8.7b and cacti-plugin-arch-2.1 but I don't know if it's the latest PA :-?

After installing Cacti-0.8.7b and cacti-plugin-arch-2.1, in User Management, I select my user, in Realm Permissions I select Plugin Management.
After that, I see Plugin Management in Configuration. So I go in Configuration -> Plugin Management : I see that:
Version: 0.8.7b

Plugin Architecture
Version: 2.1

Then, I installed NPC using this way:

Code: Select all

tar xzf npc-2.0.0b.166.tar.gz
mv npc /var/www/cacti/plugins/

vi  /var/www/cacti/include/global.php
$plugins = array();
$plugins[] = 'npc';
Then, when I go in Configuration -> Plugin Management : I see that:
Version: 0.8.7b

Plugin Architecture
Version: 2.1

I don't see NPC and in Configuration -> Plugin Management -> Uninstalled : There are no Uninstalled Plugins :(

I don't have the file : /var/www/cacti/plugins/npc/setup.php, but I have the file /var/www/cacti/plugins/setup.php with all the rights!!

Did you have a correct link which explain how install NPC with Cacti and PA?

Thank you very much for your help

Best Regards

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Post by flipmode »

Please Help me!!



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