I have faced one problem, that all my graphs for Gigabit ethernets are too high. I am using
CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
I was thinking that there is problem in my configuration in Cacti, but it is ok. I have checkted the interface with this simple script
Code: Select all
while /bin/true ; do
value_new=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -On -c password hostname ifHCOutOctets.2);
speed=$[$[$value_new - $value_old]*8/60] ;
printf "ifHCOutOctets.2=%17d Speed= %12d \n" ${value_new} ${speed} bits/s ;
value_old=$value_new ;
sleep 60 ;
Code: Select all
ifHCOutOctets.2= 257462239898183 Speed= 0 bits/s
ifHCOutOctets.2= 257467129408007 Speed= 651934643 bits/s
ifHCOutOctets.2= 257471718397976 Speed= 611865329 bits/s
ifHCOutOctets.2= 257476627832547 Speed= 654591276 bits/s
ifHCOutOctets.2= 257482512614974 Speed= 784637656 bits/s
ifHCOutOctets.2= 257488025894772 Speed= 735103973 bits/s
Code: Select all
l Iface ============ Total ========= IP ===== NonIP ==== BadIP ===== Activity
x lo 2 2 0 0 0.00 kbits/sec
x eth0 129110 129110 0 0 87361.20 kbits/sec
Thank you.