change default graph (hover graph) and graphs on links

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change default graph (hover graph) and graphs on links

Post by after310 »

Hello :)
I have two questions, and I did not find the answers in the forum: /

I CactiEZ, and I want to graph Spanning Tree state of switches of my network.
How create a graphical link between two hosts in a weathermap having a graphic hover-view in a direction, and another graph hover-view in the other direction?

I have:

Code: Select all

LINK bs460_hd0-pp8600_hd0
	INFOURL /graph.php?rra_id=all&local_...
	OVERLIBGRAPH /graph_image.php?local_......
	TARGET /var/www/html/rra/bs...
	NODES bs460_hd0:11:0 pp8600_hd0
I would like:

Code: Select all

LINK bs460_hd0-pp8600_hd0
	INFOURL /graph.php?rra_id=all&local_...
	OVERLIBGRAPH /graph_image.php?local_......
	TARGET /var/www/html/rra/bs...
	NODES bs460_hd0:11:0 pp8600_hd0

LINK pp8600_hd0-bs460_hd0
	INFOURL /graph.php?rra_id=all&local_...
	OVERLIBGRAPH /graph_image.php?local_......
	TARGET /var/www/html/rra/bs...
	NODES bs460_hd0:11:0 pp8600_hd0
but without a second graphical link between my two hosts

Second question :lol:

How to change the default view displayed in the hover view on the weathermap?
I have a daily (5min avg) graph, and I would like a hourly (1min avg) graph; but i can't find the setting :-?
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Post by after310 »

someone have an idea? :)

maybe my explanation is not very explicit :-?
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Post by Howie »

You can do both of those things, but the editor will not be able to help you anymore (OK, maybe for the second one).

First question - you can use two or more TARGETs on one link, by separating them by spaces:

Code: Select all

   TARGET target1.rrd target2.rrd
(works since 0.8 at least)

Same with OVERLIBGRAPH (and it will stack up the graph images):

Code: Select all

    OVERLIBGRAPH url1 url2
(only works in 0.95+)

You will need to do this in a text editor (or the 'edit' option in the link properties in the map editor) - the 'pick from cacti' will do aggregated targets, but not stacked OVERLIBGRAPHs.

Second question - first you need to find the URL for the graph you want. Make the graph look how you want in cacti, then right-click on it and choose Copy Image Address. That's the URL you need, except with the local_graph_id changed. Now you can either: edit the URLs that the cacti picker produces in a text editor, as above. Or, you could alter the code in cacti-pick.php so that it produces what you want.

(I think I understood both - the second one about two links... if you mean to have one for the 'in' and another for the 'out', then you can do that too. Again the editor can't do it, but it looks like this:

Code: Select all

Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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Post by after310 »

Ho cool :)
Thank you Howie :D
Visibly you know weathermap, then I still have another question. :lol:

I'd like to put on a weathermap the broadcast on my network, between different switches. But informations that I get through SNMP is not bandwidth but packets per second. each SNMP OID returns a counter32 information.
Problem, on my weathermap, I can see the graphic hover view, but the number displayed on the directional arrows is always 0; I don't understand why :(
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Post by Howie »

after310 wrote: Visibly you know weathermap, then I still have another question. :lol:
Yes, I wrote it :-)
after310 wrote: I'd like to put on a weathermap the broadcast on my network, between different switches. But informations that I get through SNMP is not bandwidth but packets per second. each SNMP OID returns a counter32 information.
Problem, on my weathermap, I can see the graphic hover view, but the number displayed on the directional arrows is always 0; I don't understand why :(
In the Cacti rrd for broadcast pps, it probably uses a different DS name. You need to tell weathermap to look for that name, like this:

Code: Select all

   TARGET myrrdfile.rrd:indsname:outdsname
you can find out the correct DS name by looking in the Cacti log for WEATHERMAP log lines that say something like: " not a valid DS name for ... - valid names are: ". Those valid names are what you should be using. You should also use a 'gauge:' prefix, to avoid having Weathermap multiply by 8 (bytes->bits).

Code: Select all

   TARGET gauge:myrrdfile.rrd:indsname:outdsname
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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