I'm running cactid as opposed to cmd.php, and when I choose to export all my graph images to a directory, it fails. I assume that the code required to do this is not present in cactid. If that is true, then how do I go about running cactid as well as being able to export all my graphs to a specified directory?
Any comments appreciated.
Cactid: Can't export images to directory?
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
You are right that cactid does not currently support graph export. Cactid is good for gathering lots of information very quickly, whereas exporting static graph images doesn't lend itself to speed and scalability. Either way, you could easily modify cmd.php not to poll and just export graphs. The quickest way to do this is to comment out the main loop (lines 37 to 101 in 0.8.5a).
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