Aggregate multiple PDU's/devices to one Graph

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Aggregate multiple PDU's/devices to one Graph

Post by madraven »

Hi All,
I have about 300ish PDU's sitting in my racks.
Now with Cacti I can pole each one and get the current power being used for each PDU. But all racks have at least 2 and some have as many as 5 PDU's!

What I’m trying to do is get a single graph for each rack... so I can see the total "real" power being used in the racks.

Looking around the Web I found a few options, and have tryed them...

The simplest way (I've tailored the original to work "here". I think I found on this site some where but of course now I can't find it again to give the credit where it’s due...) is attached/pasted below is for a 2 PDU rack but you get the idea

But doing this for each rack will mean about 19500 easy steps to create a graph for each rack!!

I've tryed converting the working graph to become a template, but because I’m trying to get the information from different devices it does not work...

Can any one suggest a better way or template or something??

Please keep in mind that I’m not a coder and though I'm running this on Linux, I'm not by any stretch of the imagination any good at it!..


1. ----- Create Graph
a. Click on "Graph Management" (top of the menu on the left hand side)
b. Click on "Add" on the right hand side of the screen
c. Make sure both the drop down options for "Selected Graph Template", and "Host" are set to "None"
d. Click the "Create Button"
e. In the Graph Configuration section, add a title for the graph E.G:- “XXX-SR01 Combined PDU Power"
f. Towards the bottom of the page find Vertical Label and type "Amps"
g. At the bottom of the page hit the "Create" button

2. ----- Create Combined Total
a. In the Graph Items Section hit the "Add" button
b. IN the Host section choose the first PDU for the Relevant Rack E.G XXX-SR01-PDU01
c. In the Data Template Choose "APC - Load"
d. For Data Source Choose the relevant load.. In this case "XXX-SR01-PDU01 - amp_amp_load (Apc_blah_load)"
e. IN the Graph Items section Choose the Colour "00FF00"
f. Choose "AREA"
g. For the Consolidation Function choose "LAST"
h. CDEF Function should read "APC Total Rack Power - CDEF"
i. In Text Format type "Combined Total"
j. Tick the box for "Insert Hard Return"

3. ----- Create Combined Total Legend
a. In the Graph Items Section hit the "Add" button
b. IN the Host section choose the first PDU for the relevant Rack E.G XXX-SR01-PDU01
c. In the Data Template Choose "APC - Load"
d. For Data Source Choose the relevant load.. In this case "XXX-SR01-PDU01 - amp_amp_load (Apc_blah_load)"
e. Choose "LEGEND"
f. For the Consolidation Function choose "AVERAGE"
g. CDEF Function should read "Divide by 10"
h. In Text Format type "Total Power"
i. Tick the box for "Insert Hard Return"
j. Click "Create"

4. ----- Create PDU 01
a. In the Graph Items Section hit the "Add" button
b. IN the Host section choose the first PDU for the Relevant Rack E.G XXX-SR01-PDU01
c. In the Data Template Choose "APC - Load"
d. IN the Graph Items section Choose the Colour "000FF" for PDU1
e. For Data Source Choose the relevant load.. In this case "XXX-SR01-PDU01 - amp_amp_load (Apc_blah_load)"
f. Choose "Line 1"
g. For the Consolidation Function choose "LAST"
h. CDEF Function should read "Divide by 10"
i. In Text Format type "PDU 01"
j. Tick the box for "Insert Hard Return"

5. ----- Create PDU 01 Legend
a. In the Graph Items Section hit the "Add" button
b. IN the Host section choose the first PDU for the Relevant Rack E.G XXX-SR01-PDU01
c. In the Data Template Choose "APC - Load"
d. For Data Source Choose the relevant load.. In this case "XXX-SR01-PDU01 - amp_amp_load (Apc_blah_load)"
e. Choose "LEGEND"
f. For the Consolidation Function choose "AVERAGE"
g. CDEF Function should read "Divide by 10"
h. In Text Format type "PDU 01"
i. Tick the box for "Insert Hard Return"
j. Click "Create"

6. ----- Create PDU 02
a. Click "Create"
b. In the Graph Items Section hit the "Add" button
c. IN the Host section choose the first PDU for the Relevant Rack E.G XXX-SR01-PDU02
d. In the Data Template Choose "APC - Load"
e. For Data Source Choose the relevant load.. In this case "XXX-SR01-PDU02 - amp_amp_load (Apc_blah_load)"
f. IN the Graph Items section Choose the BLACK as the colour "000FF" PDU2
g. Choose "Line 1"
h. For the Consolidation Function choose "LAST"
i. CDEF Function should read "Divide by 10"
j. In Text Format type "PDU 02"
k. Tick the box for "Insert Hard Return"
l. Click "Create"

7. ----- Create PDU 02 Legend
a. In the Graph Items Section hit the "Add" button
b. IN the Host section choose the first PDU for the Relevant Rack E.G XXX-SR01-PDU02
c. In the Data Template Choose "APC - Load"
d. For Data Source Choose the relevant load.. In this case "XXX-SR01-PDU02 - amp_amp_load (Apc_blah_load)"
e. Choose "LEGEND"
f. For the Consolidation Function choose "AVERAGE"
g. CDEF Function should read "Divide by 10"
h. In Text Format type "PDU 02"
i. Tick the box for "Insert Hard Return"
j. Click "Create"

P.s - Sorry if this is the wrong place for this request/plea for help!
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Post by gandalf »

Please see the AGGREGATE plugin. It may ease some tasks
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Post by madraven »

I installed the Plugin (0.66) last night but i do not seem to get the option on the drop down menu to create an aggregated graph..
Below is the information about my setup.. just in case that helps :-?

Any Suggestions?

Thanks in Advance..
Cacti Version - 0.8.7b
Plugin Architecture - 2.1
Poller Type - CMD.php
Server Info - Linux 2.6.18-53.1.14.el5PAE
Web Server - Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)
PHP - 5.1.6
PHP Extensions - libxml, xml, wddx, tokenizer, sysvshm, sysvsem, sysvmsg, standard, SimpleXML, sockets, SPL, shmop, session, Reflection, pspell, posix, mime_magic, iconv, hash, gmp, gettext, ftp, exif, date, curl, ctype, calendar, bz2, zlib, pcre, openssl, apache2handler, gd, ldap, mysql, mysqli, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, snmp
MySQL - 5.0.22
RRDTool - 1.2.23
SNMP - 5.3.1
  • PHP Network Weathermap (weathermap - v0.95b)
    Network Tools (tools - v0.2)
    Device Monitoring (monitor - v0.8.1)
    Host Info (hostinfo - v0.2)
    Global Plugin Settings (settings - v0.3)
    Update Checker (update - v0.4)
    Realtime for Cacti (realtime - v0.32)
    Documents (docs - v0.1)
    Create Aggregate Graphs (aggregate - v0.66)
The Combined stuff is from my attempts to get somthing working ..
The Combined stuff is from my attempts to get somthing working ..
Aggregate Screen Shot.JPG (65.57 KiB) Viewed 12818 times
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Post by gandalf »

Did you import the PA.sql for plugin management? Did you activate the plugin from Plugin Management? Did you provide permissions to the user who shall use the plugin?
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Post by madraven »

Re-imported the PA.sql and I get the option in Realm Permissons! So clearly i'd not done a very good job the first time round...

In the Pulgin Managment i currently have none of the plugins listed.

Well thats not quite true.. is showing "Cacit" and "Plugin Architecture" though from reading this could be due to needing a scan from the updates plugin (it last scaned last night :( ) and from some plugins not knowing about PIA2.1

I've seen somewhere that you can force "updates" to scan but i've not been able to get it to do this ..

I'm not sure how to activate the plugin from Plugin managment, some people say that have a new tab, I do not have new tab at the top of the screen but on the left hand menu I do have in the configuration section under Settings the entrn. "Plugin Managment"

I still don't get the option to create an Aggregate Graph.

I guess i'm doing somthing wrong, but i've no idea what !!!!
Plugin-managment.JPG (65.25 KiB) Viewed 12761 times
Realm permissions.JPG
Realm permissions.JPG (33.04 KiB) Viewed 12761 times
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Post by gandalf »

Please select the "Uninstalled" tab to find the missing plugin. Install it. Switch to "Installed" tab and enable it. Then you'll see the realm.
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Post by madraven »

Good Morning !
I checked the various tabs within "plugin managment" and there was nothing there.. so I left it over night for the Update scan to take place in case that was needed to detect the plugins..

The scan took place last night but it has still not detected any plugins and all the tabs (with the excpetion of the installed tab which has not changed) are empty..

I'm going to try reinstalling the PIA just in case.....
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Post by madraven »

Good Morning,
I've reinstalled the PIA, and I still have no entrys in the plugin managment tabs.

Any Ideas?

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Mutiple PDU's

Post by phakesley »

we have had the same issue ad have created a rack graph template with upto 6 datasources. When you want to create a graph or a rack simply pick the DS of interest and it works well.
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Our rack template

Post by phakesley »

here is a multiple DS template for PDU's
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Post by madraven »

thanks i'll give it a go
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