what reason adn how solove ?

Support questions about the Network Weather Map plugin

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Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:14 am

what reason adn how solove ?

Post by jun1216 »

07/08/2008 05:17:19 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Required modules for PHP Weathermap 0.92 were not present. Not running.
run check.php to check PHP requirements.
07/08/2008 05:17:19 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0]
No image (gd) extension is loaded. This is required by weathermap.
07/08/2008 05:17:19 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0]
07/08/2008 05:17:19 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Weathermap 0.92 starting - Normal logging mode. Turn on DEBUG in Cacti for more information
07/08/2008 05:16:06 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Required modules for PHP Weathermap 0.92 were not present. Not running.
run check.php to check PHP requirements.
07/08/2008 05:16:06 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0]
No image (gd) extension is loaded. This is required by weathermap.
07/08/2008 05:16:06 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0]
07/08/2008 05:16:06 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Weathermap 0.92 starting - Normal logging mode. Turn on DEBUG in Cacti for more information
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Weathermap 0.92 run complete - 2 maps were run
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Wrote map to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\plugins\weathermap\output\weathermap_1.png and C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\plugins\weathermap\output\weathermap_thumb_1.png
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] ColourFromPercent: Clipped node1-node2 1000% to 100%
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] ColourFromPercent: Clipped node1-node2 2000% to 100%
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Your background image file could not be read. Check the filename, and permissions, for images/fresh.png
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] About to write image file. If this is the last message in your log, increase memory_limit in php.ini
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] ColourFromPercent: Clipped node1-node2 1000% to 100%
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] ColourFromPercent: Clipped node1-node2 2000% to 100%
07/08/2008 05:15:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Failed to load ttf font Vera - at config line 6
07/08/2008 05:15:38 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Map: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\plugins\weathermap\configs\simple.conf -> C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\plugins\weathermap\output\weathermap_1.html & C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\plugins\weathermap\output\weathermap_1.png
07/08/2008 05:15:38 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Wrote map to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\plugins\weathermap\output\weathermap_2.png and C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\plugins\weathermap\output\weathermap_thumb_2.png

Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:22 am

Post by Paco »


In your php.ini file make sure this is not commented out:

Code: Select all

If you put that in and PHP cannot find the extension:
  1. Download: http://us.php.net/get/php-5.2.6-Win32.zip/from/a/mirror
  2. Extract php_gd2.dll and put it in the ext folder in your PHP directory.
  3. Add extension=php_gd2.dll to the end of your php.ini (unless you've un-commented it out earlier)
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:14 am

Post by jun1216 »

i do that ,but error: how to do ?

07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Weathermap 0.92 run complete - 2 maps were run
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Wrote map to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\plugins\weathermap\output\weathermap_1.png and C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\plugins\weathermap\output\weathermap_thumb_1.png
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] ColourFromPercent: Clipped node1-node2 1000% to 100%
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] ColourFromPercent: Clipped node1-node2 2000% to 100%
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Using a non-existent special font (100) - falling back to internal GD fonts
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Your background image file could not be read. Check the filename, and permissions, for images/fresh.png
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] About to write image file. If this is the last message in your log, increase memory_limit in php.ini
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] ColourFromPercent: Clipped node1-node2 1000% to 100%
07/16/2008 12:25:39 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] ColourFromPercent: Clipped node1-node2 2000% to 100%
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:22 am

Post by Paco »

You need to check the font names (use their short names) and coping the .tff files into the weathermap directory works best for me (so that the gd2 library finds them)
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