I am having a strange problem with CSV exports.
They work for all my graphs except those with a large number of data sources. By large I mean arround 8-9 data items.
When I click the export button next to the graph I get the header part:
Code: Select all
Title: Freeplay per Operator
Vertical Label: Transactions
Start Date: 01/01/1970 00:00
End Date: 01/01/1970 00:00
Total Rows:
Graph ID: 1692
Host ID: 95
Here is an example from one that does work:
Code: Select all
Title: Freeplay Per Webserver
Vertical Label: Transactions
Start Date: 17/06/2008 09:30
End Date: 18/06/2008 09:30
Step: 300
Total Rows: 289
Graph ID: 1246
Host ID: 95
Date Web01 Web02 Web03
17/06/2008 09:30 3.89E+03 5.75E+03 2.23E+03
17/06/2008 09:35 3.75E+03 5.91E+03 2.13E+03
17/06/2008 09:40 3.90E+03 6.09E+03 2.35E+03
17/06/2008 09:45 3.97E+03 6.16E+03 2.44E+03
Here is my support info:
Date Wed, 18 Jun 2008 09:28:16 +0000
Cacti Version 0.8.7
Cacti OS unix
SNMP Version net-snmp
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.2.x
Hosts 133
Graphs 1504
Data Sources Script/Command: 523
SNMP: 692
SNMP Query: 809
Script Query - Script Server: 78
Total: 2102
Poller Information
Interval 300
Type cmd.php
Items Action[0]: 2716
Action[1]: 450
Action[2]: 152
Total: 3318
Concurrent Processes 1
Max Threads 1
PHP Servers 1
Script Timeout 25
Max OID 10
Last Run Statistics Time:108.6523 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Threads:N/A Hosts:129 HostsPerProcess:129 DataSources:3318 RRDsProcessed:1994
Thanks guys.
Let me know what extra info I can offer to get some help with this. My boss uses the csv export funtionality quite a bit and he keeps asking for exports for these few graphs which have a lot of data sources