i've made a small collection of mysql-graphs like those in the picture.
The QueryCache Graph works only with Mysql 4.* all other graphs will work also with earlier versions...
The scripts are an enhangement of a script i have found elsewhere in this board - so thanks to the author!
Put the files in the scripts-dir of the zip-file into the cacti script directory. Then import the xml-files into cacti using the web-interface.
To create mysql-graphs you must have the "process"-right on the mysql-server you want to graph. Use an sql-statement like this to set this rights:
Code: Select all
GRANT PROCESS ON * TO cactiuser@localhost IDENTIFIED by 'mypassword';
Select a Host an create a new graph by using one of the Mysql-templates. Fill in the User an Password fields (in the example above: cactiuser, mypassword)...
Have fun,