here is what i get when i run the failed commands:
Code: Select all
mysql> use cactidb
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> INSERT INTO data_input_fields VALUES (DEFAULT, '20832ce12f099c8e54140793a091af90',1,'SNMP Authenticaion Protocol (v3)','snmp_auth_protocol','in','',0,'snmp_auth_protocol','','');
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'DEFAULT, '20832ce12f099c8e54140793a091af90',1,'SNMP Authenticaion Protocol (v3)'' at line 1
mysql> INSERT INTO data_input_fields VALUES (DEFAULT, 'c60c9aac1e1b3555ea0620b8bbfd82cb',1,'SNMP Privacy Passphrase (v3)','snmp_priv_passphrase','in','',0,'snmp_priv_passphrase','','');
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'DEFAULT, 'c60c9aac1e1b3555ea0620b8bbfd82cb',1,'SNMP Privacy Passphrase (v3)','sn' at line 1
mysql> INSERT INTO data_input_fields VALUES (DEFAULT, 'feda162701240101bc74148415ef415a',1,'SNMP Privacy Protocol (v3)','snmp_priv_protocol','in','',0,'snmp_priv_protocol','','');
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'DEFAULT, 'feda162701240101bc74148415ef415a',1,'SNMP Privacy Protocol (v3)','snmp' at line 1
mysql> INSERT INTO data_input_fields VALUES (DEFAULT, '2cf7129ad3ff819a7a7ac189bee48ce8',2,'SNMP Authenticaion Protocol (v3)','snmp_auth_protocol','in','',0,'snmp_auth_protocol','','');
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'DEFAULT, '2cf7129ad3ff819a7a7ac189bee48ce8',2,'SNMP Authenticaion Protocol (v3)'' at line 1
mysql> INSERT INTO data_input_fields VALUES (DEFAULT, '6b13ac0a0194e171d241d4b06f913158',2,'SNMP Privacy Passphrase (v3)','snmp_priv_passphrase','in','',0,'snmp_priv_passphrase','','');
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'DEFAULT, '6b13ac0a0194e171d241d4b06f913158',2,'SNMP Privacy Passphrase (v3)','sn' at line 1
mysql> INSERT INTO data_input_fields VALUES (DEFAULT, '3a33d4fc65b8329ab2ac46a36da26b72',2,'SNMP Privacy Protocol (v3)','snmp_priv_protocol','in','',0,'snmp_priv_protocol','','');
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'DEFAULT, '3a33d4fc65b8329ab2ac46a36da26b72',2,'SNMP Privacy Protocol (v3)','snmp' at line 1
mysql> INSERT INTO rra VALUES (DEFAULT,'283ea2bf1634d92ce081ec82a634f513','Hourly (1 Minute Average)',0.5,1,500,14400);
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'DEFAULT,'283ea2bf1634d92ce081ec82a634f513','Hourly (1 Minute Average)',0.5,1,500' at line 1
i know that the user had permission to to inserts in the first place, because this command completed successfully during the initial run by cacti:
Code: Select all
[Success] INSERT INTO `rra_cf` VALUES (0,1), (0,3)