CACTID Only Running 1 PHP.EXE At A Time

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CACTID Only Running 1 PHP.EXE At A Time

Post by TheWitness »

For some reason, only 1 PHP.EXE is running at a time and causes CACTID to run as slow as CMD.PHP. Has anyone experienced this and was there a resolution?

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Post by sidewinder »

I've been running it for months and other than the popen issue i have had very little problem.

I've been running the version that comes with the 0.8.5a release.

cactid doesn't require php to run, so unless you have some php scripts added to cacti as data queries or input methods, this process would be unrelated to cactid.

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Post by TheWitness »


The calls to any of the Host Resource MIB's involve the calling of external scripts via the XML files. Each XML file then generates a list of OID's to be scanned and performs calculations on the results. Unfortunately, PHP is VEEERRRRYYYY slow on the Windows platform. Therefore, CACTID is just as slow as CMD.PHP when you have a lot of PC's and/or SCRIPTS.

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Post by sidewinder »

Not following, cactid processes the data_input_data_cache table. The entries in there are generated when you add a new graph using cacti. There is no xml processing done by cactid.
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Post by TheWitness »

True, the script is specified in the XML file however. My bad... The scripts run serially and not as multiple threads as anticipated.

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Post by BSOD2600 »

Reading around, there are a few things that I've done to help speed up cacti displaying stuff in php.

1) Switched over to FastCGI instead of php.exe
2) in Php.ini, output_buffering = on
3) Using zend optimizer
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Post by Jeppe »

FWIW, I'm having the same problem and I haven't been able to pinpoint what the problem is so far. I have exactly one cactid binary (0.8.5) that threads most of the time. Others I compile use just one thread no matter what.

I'm suspecting it might have something to do with the shell scripts I'm using with lots of data sources.

Using Fedora1 with all the updates.

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