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Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Post by cyrill »

Hello !

I just want know if it's possible to exclude an E-mail address from the field notify account ??? Because when I create a new user, I set his E-mail address but I don't want that he receive an alert for each Threshold Template... For example, if there are an account for the webmaster, I don't want that he's alerted when a value of a printer is breached but only for the value for the webserver... It's just an example.
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Post by mcutting »

If you are using the latest version of THOLD, and want to exclude a user from being notified on a breached threshold, then this is certainly possible. When you setup the threshold, you have the choice of who gets an alert when it is triggered.

I am currently doing the same thing for our US staff - they do not need to see alerts for kit based in EMEA. The dead host notification is a little less flexible however, and you currently can't se this on a per-host basis.
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