[HOWTO] Auto add foundry switch interface / port names

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[HOWTO] Auto add foundry switch interface / port names

Post by syscev »

I wasn't able to find the answer to this question in the forums so, I am deciding to share it.

There might a more elegant why to do but this is how I did it.

1. Go to '/var/www/html/cacti/resource/snmp_queries'.
2. Open and edit 'interface.xml'.
3. I added the following between the <ifAlias> and <ifType> object.

Code: Select all

                        <name>Port Name (FOUNDRY-SWITCH-MIB)</name>
4. I copied the graph template 'Interface - Traffic (bits/sec)' and called it 'Interface - Traffic (bits/sec) (Foundry)'. The only difference is the 'title' field has been changed to '|host_description| - |query_ifDescr| - |query_ifPortName|'
5. Modify your foundry switch interface bits graphs to use to the custom template.
6. You might need to disable and enable the 'title' field in the graph template for it to refresh on your current graphs.

And this works just fine.

If you are wondering where I got the foundry switch OID. Here is the whole list.
http://www.oidview.com/mibs/1991/FOUNDR ... P-MIB.html
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Post by zeki »

changing the title to |host_description| - Traffic - |query_ifName| - |query_ifAlias| will display the port # and port-name
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Joined: Wed May 21, 2008 8:50 pm

Post by syscev »

zeki wrote:changing the title to |host_description| - Traffic - |query_ifName| - |query_ifAlias| will display the port # and port-name
Hmmm... Are you referring to Foundry Switches ? I am pretty sure it doesn't because the description can only be found on an OID different from Cisco switches..
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