[Solved] No Graph (windows installer) - RRD problem?

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[Solved] No Graph (windows installer) - RRD problem?

Post by crepo »


I have installed the Windows installer from BSOD2006 on a Windows XP prof. pc. But I have no graph images. )-:

The last day's I have checked everything once and once again. But I don't see the reason. In the Graph Management I get this error message:

RRDTool Command:
c:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start=-86400 \
--end=-300 \
--title="localhost - Used Space - C: Label: Seri" \
--rigid \
--base=1024 \
--height=120 \
--width=500 \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit=0 \
--vertical-label="bytes" \
--slope-mode \
DEF:a="C\:/Inetpub/wwwroot/cacti/rra/localhost_hdd_total_8.rrd":hdd_total:AVERAGE \
DEF:b="C\:/Inetpub/wwwroot/cacti/rra/localhost_hdd_total_8.rrd":hdd_used:AVERAGE \
AREA:a#002A97:"Total" \
GPRINT:a:LAST:"Current\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:a:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf %s\n" \
AREA:b#F51D30:"Used" \
GPRINT:b:LAST:" Current\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:b:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:b:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf %s\n"
RRDTool Says:
ERROR: opening 'C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/cacti/rra/localhost_hdd_total_8.rrd': No such file or directory

Can someone give me a hint where I can look, to solved this problem?

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Post by BSOD2600 »

1) is the poller successfully running? Check the scheduled task and cacti log file.
2) Did you wait 10 minutes for data to show up?
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RRDTOOL Graph error

Post by enkoma »

I just recived the same error when I'm in graph management. Also when I run php poller.php there is a timeout with no response.

Is not a NTFS permission configuration or configuration in 8.3 filenemes format, because i've tried to execute the rrdtool command directly from de command line to create a rrd file in the same directory where rrdtool.exe is, but the message still the same:

ERROR: opening 'D:/www/cacti/rra/supernova_router_traffic_in_11.rrd': No such file or directory

I think that's the problem that is blocking cacti and rrdtool to make the graphs because i have snmp connectivity with the router i want to monitorize.

Cacti log appears as follows

06/26/2007 11:12:53 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:292.6280 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Threads:N/A Hosts:2 HostsPerProcess:2 DataSources:2 RRDsProcessed:0
06/26/2007 11:12:53 PM - POLLER: Poller[0] Maximum runtime of 292 seconds exceeded. Exiting.

It seems RRDTOOL must create a rrd file (with rrdtool create ....) and because this file is not created, the command rrdtool graph can't add the data to the file.

Any idea ? Thanks a lot !!!
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Post by BSOD2600 »

The fact that cacti is running for 296 seconds means something isn't working correctly. Turn the logging level in cacti to debug, manually invoke the poller from the command line, and post the results. Run: php <cactipath>\poller.php.
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No cacti graph

Post by braunnor »

BSOD2600 wrote:....Turn the logging level in cacti to debug, manually invoke the poller from the command line, and post the results. Run: php <cactipath>\poller.php.
Hello everybody,
I have the same problem and do that.
The poller log result is :
06/27/2007 09:10:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select realm_id from user_auth_realm where user_id=1"
06/27/2007 09:10:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Cell: "select username from user_auth where id=1"
06/27/2007 09:10:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Assoc: "select user_auth_realm.realm_id from user_auth_realm where user_auth_realm.user_id='1' and user_auth_realm.realm_id='15'"
06/27/2007 09:10:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Cell: "select id from user_auth where username='guest'"
06/27/2007 09:10:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Cell: "select cacti from version"

Some suggestions ?
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Post by rhp »

I was having the same problem with the .rrd files not being created, and poller.php waiting forever. Turns out using instead of localhost for my database in cactid.conf solved the problem.
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No such file or directory

Post by caseth2001 »

Do as instructed and run this cmd "php -q poller.php"...this will generate the rrd files into the directory listed in your error message. Now how you get it to actually show some traffic i dont know. I can see the graphs now..but have no data.
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no data in graphs

Post by er_jstoor »

after running this command i m getting the graph template but not getting any output data. pls help
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Post by smlick »

I have also the same problem with RRDTool!!!

This is what appears in Graph debug mode:

RRDTool Command:

c:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start=-86400 \
--end=-300 \
--title=" - Traffic - Vl1" \
--rigid \
--base=1000 \
--height=120 \
--width=600 \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit=0 \
--vertical-label="bytes per second" \
--slope-mode \
--font TITLE:12: \
--font AXIS:8: \
--font LEGEND:10: \
--font UNIT:8: \
DEF:a="C\:/AppServ/www/cacti/rra/128_1_239_11_traffic_in_22.rrd":traffic_in:AVERAGE \
DEF:b="C\:/AppServ/www/cacti/rra/128_1_239_11_traffic_in_22.rrd":traffic_out:AVERAGE \
AREA:a#00CF00FF:"Entrant" \
GPRINT:a:LAST:"Courant\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Moyen\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:a:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf %s" \
COMMENT:"Total In\: 0 bytes\n" \
LINE1:b#002A97FF:"Sortant" \
GPRINT:b:LAST:"Courant\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:b:AVERAGE:"Moyen\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:b:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf %s" \
COMMENT:"Total Out\: 0 bytes\n"
RRDTool Says:

ERROR: opening 'C:/AppServ/www/cacti/rra/128_1_239_11_traffic_in_22.rrd': No such file or directory
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Post by BSOD2600 »


1) did you wait 10 min for the data to be collected?
2) if you manually run: php poller.php from the commandline, any errors?
3) changed the logging level to debug and looked through it for errors?
4) When debugging logging is on, do you see rrdtool.exe CREATE commands?
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Post by smlick »

Tnx BSOD2600 for your reply.

I wait more than 10 minutes and the system now display graph but there's no data collect.

This is the response of the poller.php:

C:\AppServ\www\cacti>php poller.php
05/21/2008 11:10:18 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:1.2865 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Th
reads:N/A Hosts:2 HostsPerProcess:2 DataSources:4 RRDsProcessed:3

Then I wait for 18 minutes and this is the new response:

C:\AppServ\www\cacti>php poller.php
05/21/2008 11:28:02 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] WARNING: Scheduled Task is out of syn
c with the Poller Interval! The Poller Interval is '300' seconds, with a maximu
m of a '300' second Scheduled Task, but 1065 seconds have passed since the last
05/21/2008 11:28:03 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:1.1907 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Th
reads:N/A Hosts:3 HostsPerProcess:3 DataSources:6 RRDsProcessed:4

As I told you before no data collect in the graph.
I tried to monitor Cisco switch and Alteon Load Balancer trough SNMP but no data on the graph.

Any idea?

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Post by smlick »

If this could help to find a solution this is my cacti.log:

05/21/2008 11:07:25 AM - AUTH LOGIN: User 'admin' Authenticated
05/21/2008 11:10:18 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:1.2865 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Threads:N/A Hosts:2 HostsPerProcess:2 DataSources:4 RRDsProcessed:3
05/21/2008 11:28:02 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] WARNING: Scheduled Task is out of sync with the Poller Interval! The Poller Interval is '300' seconds, with a maximum of a '300' second Scheduled Task, but 1065 seconds have passed since the last poll!
05/21/2008 11:28:03 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:1.1907 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Threads:N/A Hosts:3 HostsPerProcess:3 DataSources:6 RRDsProcessed:4
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Post by smlick »

I see now that for me is not (probably) a RRDTool problem :

RRDTool Command:

c:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start=-86400 \
--end=-300 \
--title=" - Traffic - (net0)" \
--rigid \
--base=1000 \
--height=120 \
--width=600 \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit=0 \
--vertical-label="bytes per second" \
--slope-mode \
--font TITLE:12: \
--font AXIS:8: \
--font LEGEND:10: \
--font UNIT:8: \
DEF:a="C\:/AppServ/www/cacti/rra/10_1_239_10_traffic_in_26.rrd":traffic_in:AVERAGE \
DEF:b="C\:/AppServ/www/cacti/rra/10_1_239_10_traffic_in_26.rrd":traffic_out:AVERAGE \
AREA:a#00CF00FF:"Entrant" \
GPRINT:a:LAST:"Courant\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Moyen\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:a:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf %s" \
COMMENT:"Total In\: 0 bytes\n" \
LINE1:b#002A97FF:"Sortant" \
GPRINT:b:LAST:"Courant\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:b:AVERAGE:"Moyen\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:b:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf %s" \
COMMENT:"Total Out\: 0 bytes\n"

RRDTool Says:


But the graph is empty[/img]
no graph.JPG
no graph.JPG (88.79 KiB) Viewed 17093 times
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Post by smlick »

The system is not able to do a new poll request.

This is what the command php poller.php give to me:

C:\AppServ\www\cacti>php poller.php
05/21/2008 02:28:19 PM - POLLER: Poller[0] WARNING: Scheduled Task is out of syn
c with the Poller Interval! The Poller Interval is '300' seconds, with a maximu
m of a '300' second Scheduled Task, but 10817 seconds have passed since the last
05/21/2008 02:28:20 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:1.1508 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Th
reads:N/A Hosts:3 HostsPerProcess:3 DataSources:6 RRDsProcessed:4

I try to search better into the forum now that I understand the problem......but if you have any solution for that problem.....

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Post by smlick »

BSOD2600 probably I found the solution (for me) I read your tutorial again and found the solution here:


You are going to need to schedule a task while logged on as an Administrator account, so poller.php can run every 5 minutes. Make sure the Task Scheduler service is started and follow the steps below to begin.


Select Start --> Settings --> Control Panel and double click on Scheduled Tasks.

Double click on Add Scheduled Task.

Click Next and Browse on the following screen. Find c:\php and select php.exe. Choose Daily on and click Next.

Click Next again without changing the time or date settings.

When entering a username and password make sure the user has modify permissions to the following directories:


Make sure the user has Read & Execute permissions to the following directories:



Click Next and Finish to close the wizard.

Right click on the task you just created, and select Properties.

Select the Schedule tab.

Make sure Daily is selected and click the Advanced button.

Check the Repeat checkbox, set the repetition for every 5 minutes, set the duration for 24 hours, and check the If the task is still running, stop it at this time checkbox.

Click OK

In the Run textbox enter the following text making sure to use the appropriate paths.

c:\php\php.exe c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\poller.php

The start in box should say c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cacti.


After waiting 10 minutes (aka 2 polling cycles), one should be able to view the graphs.

I hope that it will help other person.

Tnx again
Yes graph.JPG
Yes graph.JPG (30.89 KiB) Viewed 17058 times
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