Help with access to pix via perl script

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Help with access to pix via perl script

Post by st3rling »

I'm using this script posted here
What I get is message Access denied although I can telnet to the device just fine using Windows telnet and port 23. I do have @ sign in my password so I use backslash so it looks like this (example): ex\@mple
Thank you for any help!

Here is the script itself:

Code: Select all

use Getopt::Std; # So we can do the processing of the command line options 
use IO::Socket;  # For the connection

$port = '23'; #telnet port
$timeout=20;  #connection timeout

# Process the command line options
die "Usage: $0 -r <router> -u <username> -p <password> -e <enable password>\n" if (@ARGV < 6);

exit if (!getopts('r:u:p:e:'));



sub main(){
    # create a tcp connection to the specified host and port
    $handle = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto     => "tcp",
                                    PeerAddr  => $router,
                                    PeerPort  => $port,
                                    Timeout   => $timeout)
    or return (print "\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nCan't connect to port $port on $router\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
		# split the program into two processes, identical twins
		die "can't fork: $!" unless defined($childpid = fork());
		# the if{} block runs only in the parent process
    if ($childpid) {
        # copy the socket to array
           while (defined ($line = <$handle>)) {
           @strings[$i] = $line;
           kill("TERM", $childpid);
# the else{} block runs only in the child process
		else {
                print $handle $username."\n" if $username; # Use a username only if there is one;
                print $handle $password."\n";
                print $handle "enable\n";
                print $handle $enpassword."\n";
                print $handle "sh uauth\n";
                print $handle "exit\n";
                close ($handle);

#calculate the connected users
{ foreach (@strings)
    {$i++ if /authenticated/;
print $i;
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why run the perl script?

Post by greginmadison »

Why run this perl script, you can get the number of connections via snmp.

This should work
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Post by mcutting »

I am using this self same template to graph connections on my PIX - works fine.

Out of interest, does the PIX allow telnet connections from your Cacti server ?

Something like

telnet inside

Is possibly missing ?
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Post by st3rling »

The whole network that I'm on is allowed to telnet to the PIX.

I believe those OID's don't work on PIX 7.2, at least I wasn't able to make them work....

Thank you guys for suggestions.
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Post by windsor »

I can verify that the following work on v7.x on PIX or ASA:

Interface: IF-MIB::ifIndex
free memory: .
used memory: .
5min cpu: .
connections: .

edit: 7.2(3) had a bug where free_mem+used_mem didn't match "show mem" figures, that is fixed in 7.2(4)
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