SQL Erros in logfile, thold related?

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SQL Erros in logfile, thold related?

Post by joez »

These errors come up at least once a day. Can someone explain what they mean and how to solve them?


Code: Select all

04/21/2008 11:07:23 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1064', SQL:"select thold_data.cdef, thold_data.rra_id, thold_data.data_id, thold_data.lastread, thold_data.oldvalue, data_template_rrd.data_source_name as name, data_template_rrd.data_source_type_id from thold_data LEFT JOIN data_template_rrd on (data_template_rrd.id = thold_data.data_id) WHERE data_template_rrd.data_source_name != '' AND "  
04/21/2008 11:07:22 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1064', SQL:"select thold_data.cdef, thold_data.rra_id, thold_data.data_id, thold_data.lastread, thold_data.oldvalue, data_template_rrd.data_source_name as name, data_template_rrd.data_source_type_id from thold_data LEFT JOIN data_template_rrd on (data_template_rrd.id = thold_data.data_id) WHERE data_template_rrd.data_source_name != '' AND "  
04/21/2008 09:26:56 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1064', SQL:"select thold_data.cdef, thold_data.rra_id, thold_data.data_id, thold_data.lastread, thold_data.oldvalue, data_template_rrd.data_source_name as name, data_template_rrd.data_source_type_id from thold_data LEFT JOIN data_template_rrd on (data_template_rrd.id = thold_data.data_id) WHERE data_template_rrd.data_source_name != '' AND "  
04/21/2008 12:16:55 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1064', SQL:"select thold_data.cdef, thold_data.rra_id, thold_data.data_id, thold_data.lastread, thold_data.oldvalue, data_template_rrd.data_source_name as name, data_template_rrd.data_source_type_id from thold_data LEFT JOIN data_template_rrd on (data_template_rrd.id = thold_data.data_id) WHERE data_template_rrd.data_source_name != '' AND "  

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Post by gandalf »

Moved to THOLD as it's purely THOLD related
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Post by lard »

Just to add that I also see the same errors,

Cacti 0.8.7a
Thold 0.3.9
php 5.2.5
mysql 4.1

It's also at the same time as gaps in my graphs so I'm thinking it might be mysql related


---- lard007skype ----
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Post by dus001 »

lard wrote:Just to add that I also see the same errors,
It seems to be patch in the source repository (not checked, read it).
You can fix it by yourself by following these explanations.

This minor issue only appear when no threshold is configured.
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