I think that the duplicate entries comes from ndomod.cfg1st, with the duplicates I see that I will have to add the conditional for config_type back. Prior to build 151 hosts and services had a "where config_type = 1" conditional in the queries. I removed it because a user was getting config_type set to some other value. I can't find any docs on ndo2db about why or what config_type should be except that all the sample queries provided with ndo2db used config_type=1 so that has to be right. And I dont know why ndo2db adds duplicates but with different config types. In my setup, config type is equal to 1 always and I don't have duplicates <shrug>. After I change this back anyone not getting entries with config_type=1 will have to troubleshoot their ndo2db/nagios setup.
Code: Select all
# This option determines the name and path of the file or UNIX domain
# socket to which output will be sent if the output type option specified
"/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg" 151 lines, 4751 characters
# This option determines what types of configuration data the NDO
# NEB module will dump from Nagios. Values can be OR'ed together.
# Values:
# 0 = Don't dump any configuration information
# 1 = Dump only original config (from config files)
# 2 = Dump config only after retained information has been restored
# 3 = Dump both original and retained configuration
Do any of the screens have data? Click on the 'Services' tree menu and let me know what you see. Tail the apache error log and look for any fatal errors.
None of my screens have any data, but if I create a new graph, I have an option for mapping to nagios host names, and that drop down is populated with my duplicate npc_hosts table entries.
I checked the apache logs for any fatal errors and nothing, I checked the ndo2db log file for any failed mysql entries and nothing all looks clean really odd.