Sone Linux Graphs are not updating

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Sone Linux Graphs are not updating

Post by rmp.dmd1229 »


I'm new to Cacti and was asked to investigate why some Linux graphs are not updating. Please help.

Only ucd 01 - Load average is updating. Others are not: ucd 00 CPU, ucd 10 memory, ucd 11 swap, ucd 12 detailed memory, ucd 20 processes.

For this monitor, we're using Linux Host (ucd/net snmp) Template, SNMP Version 1.

Here's the snmpd.conf:
com2sec notConfigUser default keyecho
group notConfigGroup v1 notConfigUser
group notConfigGroup v2c notConfigUser
view systemview included .
view systemview included .
access notConfigGroup "" any noauth exact systemview none none
com2sec mynetwork public
syslocation Unknown (edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)
syscontact Root <root@localhost> (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.local.conf)
pass . /usr/bin/ucd5820stat

rrd file is seems to be updating and has correct permissions:
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 47840 2008-04-16 16:00 linux2_cpu_nice_798.rrd
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 47840 2008-04-16 16:00 linux2_cpu_system_799.rrd
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 47840 2008-04-16 16:00 linux2_cpu_user_800.rrd
cacti-linux graphs.JPG (107.38 KiB) Viewed 4099 times
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Post by gandalf »

Please see second link of my sig
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Post by rmp.dmd1229 »

Thanks for the reply.

I think I followed the debug process and I'm seeing that ds value is always 0.0000000000e+00.

Could it be a misconfiguration on snmpd.conf? Here's the the config:

com2sec notConfigUser default keyecho
group notConfigGroup v1 notConfigUser
group notConfigGroup v2c notConfigUser
view systemview included .
view systemview included .
access notConfigGroup "" any noauth exact systemview none none
com2sec mynetwork public
syslocation Unknown (edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)
syscontact Root <root@localhost> (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.local.conf)
pass . /usr/bin/ucd5820stat

Here's the rrdtool output
$ rrdtool info linux2_ucd_sscpurawnice_516.rrd
filename = "linux2_ucd_sscpurawnice_516.rrd"
rrd_version = "0003"
step = 300
last_update = 1208458201
ds[ucd_ssCpuRawNice].type = "COUNTER"
ds[ucd_ssCpuRawNice].minimal_heartbeat = 600
ds[ucd_ssCpuRawNice].min = 0.0000000000e+00
ds[ucd_ssCpuRawNice].max = NaN
ds[ucd_ssCpuRawNice].last_ds = "U"
ds[ucd_ssCpuRawNice].value = 0.0000000000e+00
ds[ucd_ssCpuRawNice].unknown_sec = 1
rra[0].cf = "AVERAGE"
rra[0].rows = 600
rra[0].pdp_per_row = 1
rra[0].xff = 5.0000000000e-01
rra[0].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN
rra[0].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0
rra[1].cf = "AVERAGE"
rra[1].rows = 700
rra[1].pdp_per_row = 6
rra[1].xff = 5.0000000000e-01
rra[1].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN
rra[1].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 4
rra[2].cf = "AVERAGE"
rra[2].rows = 775
rra[2].pdp_per_row = 24
rra[2].xff = 5.0000000000e-01
rra[2].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN
rra[2].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 10
rra[3].cf = "AVERAGE"
rra[3].rows = 797
rra[3].pdp_per_row = 288
rra[3].xff = 5.0000000000e-01
rra[3].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN
rra[3].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 226
rra[4].cf = "MAX"
rra[4].rows = 600
rra[4].pdp_per_row = 1
rra[4].xff = 5.0000000000e-01
rra[4].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN
rra[4].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0
rra[5].cf = "MAX"
rra[5].rows = 700
rra[5].pdp_per_row = 6
rra[5].xff = 5.0000000000e-01
rra[5].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN
rra[5].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 4
rra[6].cf = "MAX"
rra[6].rows = 775
rra[6].pdp_per_row = 24
rra[6].xff = 5.0000000000e-01
rra[6].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN
rra[6].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 10
rra[7].cf = "MAX"
rra[7].rows = 797
rra[7].pdp_per_row = 288
rra[7].xff = 5.0000000000e-01
rra[7].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN
rra[7].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 226

Here's the graph debug output.

/usr/bin/rrdtool graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start=-86400 \
--end=-300 \
--title="linux2 - CPU Usage" \
--rigid \
--base=1000 \
--height=120 \
--width=500 \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit=0 \
--vertical-label="cpu ticks" \
--slope-mode \
DEF:a="/usr/share/cacti/site/rra/linux2_ucd_sscpurawsystem_517.rrd":ucd_ssCpuRawSystem:AVERAGE \
DEF:b="/usr/share/cacti/site/rra/linux2_ucd_sscpurawnice_516.rrd":ucd_ssCpuRawNice:AVERAGE \
DEF:c="/usr/share/cacti/site/rra/linux2_ucd_sscpurawuser_518.rrd":ucd_ssCpuRawUser:AVERAGE \
DEF:d="/usr/share/cacti/site/rra/linux2_ucd_sscpurawidle_515.rrd":ucd_ssCpuRawIdle:AVERAGE \
CDEF:cdefa=a,100,*,TIME,1208458001,GT,a,a,UN,0,a,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,b,b,UN,0,b,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,c,c,UN,0,c,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,d,d,UN,0,d,IF,IF,+,+,+,/ \
CDEF:cdeff=b,100,*,TIME,1208458001,GT,a,a,UN,0,a,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,b,b,UN,0,b,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,c,c,UN,0,c,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,d,d,UN,0,d,IF,IF,+,+,+,/ \
CDEF:cdefba=c,100,*,TIME,1208458001,GT,a,a,UN,0,a,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,b,b,UN,0,b,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,c,c,UN,0,c,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,d,d,UN,0,d,IF,IF,+,+,+,/ \
CDEF:cdefbf=d,100,*,TIME,1208458001,GT,a,a,UN,0,a,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,b,b,UN,0,b,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,c,c,UN,0,c,IF,IF,TIME,1208458001,GT,d,d,UN,0,d,IF,IF,+,+,+,/ \
AREA:cdefa#FF0000:"System" \
GPRINT:cdefa:LAST:"Current\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdefa:AVERAGE:"Avg\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdefa:MIN:"Min\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdefa:MAX:"Max\:%8.2lf %s\n" \
AREA:cdeff#00FF00:"Nice":STACK \
GPRINT:cdeff:LAST:" Current\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdeff:AVERAGE:"Avg\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdeff:MIN:"Min\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdeff:MAX:"Max\:%8.2lf %s\n" \
AREA:cdefba#0000FF:"User":STACK \
GPRINT:cdefba:LAST:" Current\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdefba:AVERAGE:"Avg\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdefba:MIN:"Min\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdefba:MAX:"Max\:%8.2lf %s\n" \
AREA:cdefbf#C0C0C0:"Idle":STACK \
GPRINT:cdefbf:LAST:" Current\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdefbf:AVERAGE:"Avg\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdefbf:MIN:"Min\:%8.2lf %s" \
GPRINT:cdefbf:MAX:"Max\:%8.2lf %s"
RRDTool Says:

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Post by gandalf »

The data from above are "too late" in terms of the debugging process. We have to hit the issue in earlier stages. Your data is gathered by snmp, correct? Which OIDs are polled? What's the result when polling those from cli?
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Post by rmp.dmd1229 »

Your data is gathered by snmp, correct?
- Yes

Which OIDs are polled? (on snmpd.conf of hosts being monitored)
- view systemview included .
- view systemview included .

What's the result when polling those from cli
- sorry but I do not know the command and syntax to do this.
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Post by fmangeant »

Moving to Unix/Linux forum.
[color=green]HOWTOs[/color] :
[list][*][url=]Install and configure the Net-SNMP agent for Unix[/url]
[*][url=]Install and configure the Net-SNMP agent for Windows[/url]
[*][url=]Graph multiple servers using an SNMP proxy[/url][/list]
[color=green]Templates[/color] :
[list][*][url=]Multiple CPU usage for Linux[/url]
[*][url=]Memory & swap usage for Unix[/url][/list][/size]
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Post by gandalf »

rmp.dmd1229 wrote:Your data is gathered by snmp, correct?
- Yes
How did you verify?
Which OIDs are polled? (on snmpd.conf of hosts being monitored)
- view systemview included .
- view systemview included .
Please see the poller cache, filter for the host and retrieve the OIDs.
What's the result when polling those from cli
- sorry but I do not know the command and syntax to do this.
snmpwalk against the OIDs of step 2
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Resolved - Sone Linux Graphs are not updating

Post by rmp.dmd1229 »

I got this working, here's what I did:

- Set cacti logging to debug and determine OID that's failing (output is 'U')
06/10/2008 11:30:38 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "insert into
poller_output (local_data_id,rrd_name,time,output) values
845,'ucd_ssCpuRawSystem','2008-06-10 11:30:38','U')"
06/10/2008 11:30:38 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[48] DS[844] WARNING: Result from
SNMP not valid. Partial Result:
06/10/2008 11:30:38 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[48] DS[844] SNMP: v1:,
dsname: ucd_ssCpuRawNice, oid: ., output: U
06/10/2008 11:30:38 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "insert into
poller_output (local_data_id,rrd_name,time,output) values
(844,'ucd_ssCpuRawNice','2008-06-10 11:30:38','U')"
06/10/2008 11:30:38 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[48] DS[843] WARNING: Result from
SNMP not valid. Partial Result:
06/10/2008 11:30:38 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[48] DS[843] SNMP: v1:,
dsname: ucd_ssCpuRawIdle, oid: ., output: U
06/10/2008 11:30:38 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL Exec: "insert into
poller_output (local_data_id,rrd_name,time,output) values
(843,'ucd_ssCpuRawIdle','2008-06-10 11:30:38','U')"

- snmpwalk the failing OIDs to check if it shows valid data
root@monitor#snmpwalk -c string001 -v1 .
End of MIB

- is not sending data on snmp. Reconfigure /etc/snmpd.conf restart (/etc/init.d/snmpd restart).

com2sec readonly default string001

group MyROSystem v1 paranoid
group MyROSystem v2c paranoid
group MyROSystem usm paranoid
group MyROGroup v1 readonly
group MyROGroup v2c readonly
group MyROGroup usm readonly
group MyRWGroup v1 readwrite
group MyRWGroup v2c readwrite
group MyRWGroup usm readwrite

view all included .1 80
view system included
access MyROSystem "" any noauth exact system none none
access MyROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none
access MyRWGroup "" any noauth exact all all none
syslocation Unknown (configure /etc/snmp/snmpd.local.conf)
syscontact Root <root@localhost> (configure /etc/snmp/snmpd.local.conf)

- Graphs are now updating.
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