thold_graph.php is empty when too much thold configured

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Cacti User
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thold_graph.php is empty when too much thold configured

Post by killshoot »

Hi all,

I've some problem with the told_graph.php page. In fact it is empty. I've actually 6072 thold ( planned to have more of 25'000).

I've reduced the number of thold to ~300 and the the page was no more empty.

I've made some other test and I've find the the first SQL statement into thold_grap.php give the problem :

Code: Select all

"SELECT thold_data.*, host.description FROM thold_data LEFT JOIN host ON WHERE thold_enabled='on' ORDER BY thold_alert DESC, bl_alert DESC, host.description ASC, rra_id ASC"
I've made this request directly into MySQL without any problem with 6000 thold configured.

Any Help?

Best regards,

Cacti User
Posts: 84
Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:51 am

Post by killshoot »

Ok solved.... Increase the memory_limit into /etc/php.ini to 192M did the trick!!!

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