PHP 5.1.6
MySQL 5.0.22
Cacti 0.8.7 (installed via yum from DAG's repo)
Anyway, I went through the install, made the necessary PHP/Apache config changes, created and filled the db... navigated to /cacti, and all I got was a blank screen. I verified that I was looking in the right dir and that PHP was parsing correctly with a few test scripts, then went to town trying to pin the problem down.
I finally found where in the code things are taking a dump. index.php includes auth.php, which in turn includes global.php. From there, the function db_connect_real() is called, and it's in there that things croak. I put some debugging code into the db_connect_real() function in /lib/database.php, and everything executed fine until we reach the following loop:
Code: Select all
while ($i <= $retries) {
if ($cnn_id->PConnect($hostport,$user,$pass,$db_name)) {