For plugins it would be great to be able to also generate sub-menus like the "Graph Management". Unfortunately, the draw_menu code functions ( /lib/html.php) prevents this by doing the following:
Code: Select all
/* if the current page exists in the sub-items array, draw each sub-item */
if (array_key_exists(basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]), $item_title) == true) {
$draw_sub_items = true;
$draw_sub_items = false;
Code: Select all
$temp = array(
"plugins/nmidPhpip/display.php" => array(
"plugins/nmidPhpip/display.php" => "NMID phpIP",
"plugins/nmidPhpip/cidr_add.php" => "CIDR Add",
"plugins/nmidPhpip/cidr_remove.php" => "CIDR Remove",
"plugins/nmidPhpip/cidr_desc.php" => "CIDR Description",
"plugins/nmidPhpip/prefix_add.php" => "Prefix Add",
"plugins/nmidPhpip/prefix_remove.php" => "Prefix Remove",
"plugins/nmidPhpip/prefix_desc.php" => "Prefix Description",
"plugins/nmidPhpip/subnetSummary.php" => "Subnet Summary",
if (isset($menu["NMID"]))
$menu["NMID"] = array_merge($temp, $menu["NMID"]);
$menu["NMID"] = $temp;
can it be changed to something like ( only works with 0.8.7b ):
Code: Select all
$current_url = preg_replace("/(^\/(cacti\/)?)()/","$3",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
if (array_key_exists($current_url, $item_title) == true) {
$draw_sub_items = true;
$draw_sub_items = false;
so plugins can also use sub-menus ? This would make the menu to the left more user-friendly.