Thold on graph items without DS association.

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:17 pm

Thold on graph items without DS association.

Post by kuma3 »

I like the way how thold template makes putting threshold easier, but is there also some way we can put threshold on graph directly without associating threshold to any data source . I don't mean just applying cdef function to poller output. Specifically, I would like to use thold in conjunction with "aggregate" plugin.

I have a graph that uses a custom CDEF function that returns a aggregated average of apache response time from a dozen servers behind a load balancer. This value tells us how fast we are serving the traffic to the world. It would be fantastic if we can put a threshold on that number.

From what I read, thold uses poller_output result to trigger its alert after the poller is ran, so to achieve what I want, we might need to write mostly new codes that after poller runs, execute the CDEF of selected graph items and threshold base on the return value. Is that somewhat a correct guess?

I'll volunteer to get something going if that's the case, but would like some definitive answer from thold users before I jump in.

Posts: 25
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:17 pm

Post by kuma3 »

I take "No it's not possible" for an answer as long as someone says something. :)
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