I created the graph template, the data template, the XML file, and the data query. On the data query, I set up the associated graph templates. Up to here, everything seems to work. The XML file seems to be read without problems, and the pop-up menu of input fields is populated correctly. When I run the query on a host, that works too. But when I create the graphs, I run into problems.
The first sign of a problem is the title of the created graph and data source. The data query Suggested Value is set to "host_description| - |query_counterName|".
What I actually get as the title is "Ricoh 4500 - |query_counterName|". So the host variable is getting filled in, but not the query variable.
In addition, when I open up the created data query, it shows the message, "Data query data sources must be created through New Graphs." Which, of course, this one was.
By the way, I'm running cacti 0.8.6j; I suppose I should try to upgrade before asking questions here, but I'm hoping this is relatively straightforward and not a bug in this version. (Or, if this is a known bug, finding that out would be helpful too!)
Any thoughts? The XML file is below.
PS: in the built-in snmp query xml files, some have <query> as the top-level element, while others have <interface>. I can't find anything that says why. Are these equivalent? I tried both in my file, without success.
Code: Select all
<name>Caprio - Ricoh Counters</name>
<description>Queries a Ricoh printer</description>
<name>Counter Name</name>
<name>Counter Value</name>