Code: Select all
+ Located input field 'ifIP' [walk]
+ Executing SNMP walk for data @ '.'
+ Found item [ifIP=''] index: 1 [from regexp oid parse]
+ Found item [ifIP='***.***.***.**1'] index: 2 [from regexp oid parse]
+ Found item [ifIP='***.***.***.**2'] index: 2 [from regexp oid parse]
+ Found item [ifIP='***.***.***.**3'] index: 2 [from regexp oid parse]
+ Found item [ifIP='***.***.***.**4'] index: 2 [from regexp oid parse]
Cacti wants to use the last IP for the index i.e ***.***.***.**4 . I can verify that the traffic being reported for that interface is incorrect as I'm also graphing the switch the server is uplinked to.
My question(s):
1. Does Cacti choose the IP it uses when there a multiple IP bound to an interface?
2. If Cacti is responsible, can I tell it to use the first IP?
3. If it Cacti isn't responsible, anyone know a workaround?