Strange problem... neverending poller?

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Strange problem... neverending poller?

Post by cwalton »

I just did a fresh install of Cacti 0.8.7 and noticed the following...

When I run "php poller.php" from the cli, sometimes the poller spits out one result and finishes - which is the behavior to which I'm accustomed. However, more often than not, the poller will run over and over again - sometimes returning as many as 20 results before returning me to a command prompt.

When I tried to poll using Spine, it didn't appear to do much of anything except sit at the command prompt.

I can turn on debug logging and post it here - but I don't want to post 500 lines of text that are irrelevant... But please ask if you think it would help.

At this point I'm open to any suggestions. Please assist if you can!

My system info:
Cacti 0.8.7
PHP 5.2.4
MySQL 5.0.45
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
2x 1.3GHz processors
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Post by cwalton »

Forgot to mention that a single process - php.exe - is the culprit. Any idea why that would be hanging/looping/whatever?
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Possibly it caught itself in a loop -- yet another bug of 0.8.7. When you turn on debugging, look through the log. What is cacti doing after you think it should be done -- recaching devices maybe?

Cacti 0.8.7a is slated for Nov 12th, so might fix your problem.
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Post by cwalton »

BSOD - thank you for your quick reply!

I turned on debug logging and skimmed through it, but I don't really know what to make of it. I see the poller claiming to exit/end, but the log continues under the same process.

I'm attaching the log from one iteration of the poller command. As always, any assistance is much appreciated :) Of course, if this might be corrected by the upcoming release then no worries.
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Yea, sure does look like a never ending loop. Go ahead and report the bug here,
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