Thold CDEF / Graph Conflict Issue

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Thold CDEF / Graph Conflict Issue

Post by joege »

After reviewing the post "Ugly way of calculating % of threshold -", I'm running into a strange problem.

I'm using the latest releases of Cacti, Plugin Architecture, and the Threshold Plugin.

I have the CDEF setup correctly (I think), but am getting conflicts between the Threshold and the Graph itself.

If I have the CDEF value for HDD Space Total as "HDD_TOTAL", the Threshold works(second screenshot), but the Graph doesn't. (second screenshot).

If I have the CDEF value for HDD Space Total as "a" or the value of the total drive space using the "a" value for DEF, the Graph works (first screenshot), but the Threshold returns an error (first screenshot). The graph even shows the % of used (green) correctly. Error may be dark so it says: Warning: Division by zero in /var/www/cacti/plugins/thold/thold-functions.php on line 355

I may be doing something wrong in the code of the thold_functions.php or the CDEF, but I copied it word for word only changing the VALUE_OF_HDD_TOTAL to HDD_TOTAL in both the config_arrays.php and thold_functions.php (third screenshot)

I may have needed to post this in the thread I referenced above, but thought it may get more viewers if I just created a new post. Any assistance on this is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


EDIT: Wow screenshots are hard to read. Let me know if anyone has any issue reading them and I'll repost larger ones. Thank you!
Screenshots of Threshold working and Graph being broken.
Screenshots of Threshold working and Graph being broken.
screenshot1.jpg (148.94 KiB) Viewed 2481 times
Screenshots of Graph working and Threshold being broken.
Screenshots of Graph working and Threshold being broken.
screenshot2.jpg (148.46 KiB) Viewed 2481 times
Screenshots of code in config_arrays.php and thold-functions.php
Screenshots of code in config_arrays.php and thold-functions.php
screenshot3.jpg (86.26 KiB) Viewed 2483 times
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Post by joege »

Any ideas on this one? Been a while since I posted it. Just kind of dealing with it atm, but was wondering if anyone knew of a potential fix. Any assistance is appreciated. Thank you!
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Post by mcutting »

I copied this also word for word, but didn't rename anything - it works fine for me ?
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Post by joege »

Well, at this point, it's been deemed that my current machine is a QA box and I'm building a Windows based Cacti server now.

We'll see if I have the same issues. I'm thinking I won't, but we'll see. :)
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