Monitor Plugin Mod - Add downtime

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Monitor Plugin Mod - Add downtime

Post by warnesj »

Hi all. I love cigamit's Monitor plugin. I've done a small mod on it to add a bit of downtime information to the main Monitor page.
For any down host it adds text for how long it's been down for. Sure you can get the Last Fail time by hovering your mouse over any monitored system icon, but I thought it might be nice to have the downtime of a down host shown on the main page.

What you need to modify is the ./plugins/monitor/monitor.php. Find,

Code: Select all

       $s = $s2 = '';
        if ($status < 2) {
                // If the host is down, we bold the name
                $s = '<b>';
                $s2 = '</b>';
And add this code before the '}',

Code: Select all

                // If the host is down, make a downtime since message
                $dt = "";
                $sfd = time() - strtotime($row['status_fail_date']);
                $dt_d = floor($sfd/86400);
                $dt_h = floor(($sfd - ($dt_d * 86400))/3600);
                $dt_m = floor(($sfd - ($dt_d * 86400) - ($dt_h * 3600))/60);
                $dt_s = $sfd - ($dt_d * 86400) - ($dt_h * 3600) - ($dt_m * 60);
                if ($dt_d > 0 ) {
                        $dt .= $dt_d . " days<br>" . $dt_h . " hours<br>" . $dt_m . " minutes<br>" . $dt_s . " seconds";
                } elseif ($dt_h > 0 ) {
                        $dt .= $dt_h . " hours<br>" . $dt_m . " minutes<br>" . $dt_s . " seconds";
                } elseif ($dt_m > 0 ) {
                        $dt .= $dt_m . " minutes<br>" . $dt_s . " seconds";
                } else {
                        $dt .= $dt_s . " seconds";
Then find (it should be just below the code that was just modified above),

Code: Select all

        print "<td valign=top><center>
                <a href=$anchor>
                        <img src='images/$i' name='$name' id='$name' onmouseover=\"return escape('$title')\" border='0'><br>
                        <font color='black'>$s$name$s2</font>
And change it to,

Code: Select all

        if ($status < 2) {
                print "<td valign=top><center>
                        <a href=$anchor>
                                <img src='images/$i' name='$name' id='$name' onmouseover=\"return escape('$title')\" border='0'><br>
                                <font color='black'>$s$name$s2</font><br><font color='red'>$s$dt$s2</font>
        } else {
                print "<td valign=top><center>
                        <a href=$anchor>
                                <img src='images/$i' name='$name' id='$name' onmouseover=\"return escape('$title')\" border='0'><br>
                                <font color='black'>$s$name$s2</font>
Hope anyone else finds it useful.
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Post by mcutting »

I like the look of this, however, it might be a better if you post the monitor.php file complete ?

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Post by warnesj »

Your wish is my command. :)
monitor.php replacement for Monitor v0.7 with host downtime displayed.
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Post by Goatmilker »


I've downloaded this monitor.php file and it seem to work OK... however upon an failure it counts 12hours on top of the actual downtime?

Had a few devices going down this afternoon and all had the same issue?

Update: Today I ran some tests and I couldn't recreate the problem... False alarm it seems? I'm positive I wasn't drunk yesterday so I'll keep a close eye on it ... and my fingers on the print-screen button ;-)
Last edited by Goatmilker on Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cigamit »

Thanks, I'm testing this out in SVN now, probably will make it optional.
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Post by sizulku »


I'm testing SVN and cacti become error and only appear tabs console and graph. any help would be great. Thanks!
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Post by cigamit »

sizulku wrote:Cigamit,

I'm testing SVN and cacti become error and only appear tabs console and graph. any help would be great. Thanks!
Please don't test the SVN version, it requires an unreleased version of the Plugin Architecture, which includes a new function to simplify testing for realm permissions.
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Post by bengelly »

Hi all,

what rights should I apply to the monitor.php file ? the one contained originaly in the plugin has a 666 rights... the modified posted file has 755 rights...

any advice ?

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Post by cigamit »

The permissions depends on your server. Your web server needs read access to the file. Don't rely on any permissions provided, you are responsible for the security of your server.
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downtime for new version of Monitor

Post by fernandakp »

can anyone help me to implement this in the new version of monitor (0.7-4)?
I was trying to understand but i cant do it alone...
Now monitor have a function to witch type of view. So i think that it would be easiest to implement the downtime as a function too. Then we could use it for witch type of view.

this downtime feature is very helpful for my cacti. Thank you for this great addon...
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I implemented downtime for new version of monitor

Post by fernandakp »

Hi guys, it finally work out. I studied the code and i implemented the downtime , but just for the 'default' grouping with the 'list' view.
I documented very well each change made to code.
Thank you for this addon...
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Post by fernandakp »

Hi guys, i just have noticed a little problem, but not sure if it is in my code. I have in my Cacti the dates in format 12hs (but without the am/pm info) instead of 24hrs. How can i change this? Do you know what code that have this?

Because of this config i have the downtime twelve hours more than the real one.
P.S.: I am using fast_poller.cmd for monitor.
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Post by warnesj »

I know it's kind of late, but I thought I'd mention that I posted a potential fix or this in post
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donwtime work OK with Cacti 0.8.7 and SPINE

Post by fernandakp »

Thanks Warnesj.
Until one weeks ago it would be helpfull...

Actually i read already upgrade to version 0.8.7 of cacti and spine. With the spine upgrade it work beautiful. thank you.
warnesj wrote:I know it's kind of late, but I thought I'd mention that I posted a potential fix or this in post
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