I added some hosts and a bunch of graphs yesterday, and now ALL my preview graphs stopped updating. They are all there, including the new ones, but they are frozen in time yesterday. If I click on any of them the full graphs are working fine. I run poller.php manually and everything is ok on that end of things.
Any ideas? Is there anything I can kick to get this going again?
Preview graphs not updating
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Preview graphs not updating
i'm having a similar issue it seems.
added some new hosts and all previews stopped working.
All of the graphs work when you drill down.
They are correctly being updated.
tried clearing poller cache (shot in dark)
thanks for your help!
i'm having a similar issue it seems.
added some new hosts and all previews stopped working.
All of the graphs work when you drill down.
They are correctly being updated.
tried clearing poller cache (shot in dark)
thanks for your help!
- TheWitness
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make sure your php "memory_limit" is high in your php.ini file. Say, as high as 128-256 MBytes. If it was as low as 8MBytes before, you should always check your poller_output table for "lots" of entries. If so, to avoid loosing data, you need to get the "original" version of poller_output_clean.php at the link below (until 0.8.6k that is) and run it to output all of the poller_output items.
Here is the link:
http://svn.cacti.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cg ... iew=markup
Here is the link:
http://svn.cacti.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cg ... iew=markup
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