I'm looking at pulling BW from a DB where the data is grouped in hours and there is both a rx and tx.
What would be the best way for me to do this?
From reading around, I can not find any examples of this being done or close to it. I found one post that said to create the rrd files externally. Is this the best thing to do? If so, do I need to "check-in" the rrd file to cacti, or will dropping them in the rra dir suffice in the correct naming format?
I've lightly looked at using Data Queries. It looks like the right way of doing it. The thing that eludes me is how to set the date and times. Cacti seems to want to collect the data using the last time it was updated, to the current update in intervals of 5 minutes. This would not work for me since the data resolution is in hours in the DB.
Also the boost plug-in might the the holy grail for me, since it supports on demand pulls.
Here is the quick perl script I made,
Code: Select all
my $stmt="select Date, rx,tx from Bandwidth
left join Sites on Sites.pkey = Bandwidth.sitepkey
where BmsSiteId = $site";
my $data=$dbh->prepare($stmt);
my %data;
while (my @got=$data->fetchrow_array) {
my $date=UnixDate($got[0],"%s"); #time in epoch
for my $key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %data) {
print "date:$key, rx:$data{$key}{RX}, tx:$data{$key}{TX}\n";
Thanks for any advise you can throw my way.