My database crashed over the weekend and ever since I repaired it I'm seeing some graphs titles have the query name in them. For example on a interface traffic graph the title shows up like this....
test - Traffic - |query_ifName|
If I add new graphs the notice I get is like this...
+ Created graph: test - Traffic - |query_ifName|
+ Created graph: test - Traffic - |query_ifName|
+ Created graph: test - Traffic - |query_ifName|
+ Created graph: test - Traffic - |query_ifName|
+ Created graph: test - Traffic - |query_ifName|
This is just an example, host partitions, cpu usage, etc... all do the same thing. If I do a 'verbose query' I see the query does actually get the interface name so I'm not sure why it's displayed this way.
I'm not getting any clues from logs either.
Any ideas?
graph titles have query name in them
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Graph Template (check template parameters)
I'm struggling with this issue as well. The Cacti admin at our shop modified the "Title" section fo the "Interface - Traffic" graph template in hopes that Cacti would dynamically (hopefully) update description statement changes for my Cisco switch interfaces.
He changed it from:
|host_description| - Traffic
to the following:
|host_description| - Traffic - |query_ifAlias|
and... it added the |query_ifAlias| to some of the graphs but, not all of them.
Hope this helps!
He changed it from:
|host_description| - Traffic
to the following:
|host_description| - Traffic - |query_ifAlias|
and... it added the |query_ifAlias| to some of the graphs but, not all of them.
Hope this helps!
In the "Console"
- click the "Graph Templates" link
- select "Interface - Traffic (bits/sec)"
- Go to the "Graph Template" section and input the following string just as it appears below and click save:
|host_description| |query_ifName| - Traffic - |query_ifAlias|
- this will do several things:
1. it will label all switch interface graphs in sequential order AND label the graphs with the description
statements (if it has them) - if no description statements are present then "|query_ifAlias|" will appear instead
which is not a big deal to me IF the port numbers are labeled
2. when you save this information a complete query is done for all switch interfaces and the graphs will be updated
and historical data is saved -- a save can be done to refresh interface descriptions when changes are made to switch
ports solving my problem with Cacti
- click the "Graph Templates" link
- select "Interface - Traffic (bits/sec)"
- Go to the "Graph Template" section and input the following string just as it appears below and click save:
|host_description| |query_ifName| - Traffic - |query_ifAlias|
- this will do several things:
1. it will label all switch interface graphs in sequential order AND label the graphs with the description
statements (if it has them) - if no description statements are present then "|query_ifAlias|" will appear instead
which is not a big deal to me IF the port numbers are labeled
2. when you save this information a complete query is done for all switch interfaces and the graphs will be updated
and historical data is saved -- a save can be done to refresh interface descriptions when changes are made to switch
ports solving my problem with Cacti
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