After the network that I monitor went laggy causing snmpwalks to take abbsolutely ages, Weathermap has stopped graphing properly. In the poller output I get these arrors for every link -
06/21/2007 11:47:34 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] ReadData: Link m320-7401, target: /usr/share/cacti/rra/lancaster_m320_traffic_in_22.rrd on config line 51 had no valid data
RRD Files No valid data
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I've dumped some of the rrd files to plain ASCII. Some of the lines that Weathermap complains about are below:
<!-- 2007-06-19 21:20:00 BST / 1182284400 --> <row><v> NaN </v><v> 4.1906497461e+04 </v></row>
<!-- 2007-06-19 21:55:00 BST / 1182286500 --> <row><v> NaN </v><v> 1.5745682980e+05 </v></row>
<!-- 2007-06-19 21:35:00 BST / 1182285300 --> <row><v> NaN </v><v> 6.0630950804e+05 </v></row>
<!-- 2007-06-19 21:20:00 BST / 1182284400 --> <row><v> NaN </v><v> 4.1906497461e+04 </v></row>
<!-- 2007-06-19 21:55:00 BST / 1182286500 --> <row><v> NaN </v><v> 1.5745682980e+05 </v></row>
<!-- 2007-06-19 21:35:00 BST / 1182285300 --> <row><v> NaN </v><v> 6.0630950804e+05 </v></row>
- Howie
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It's looking for a row with valid data in each column. These rows only have valid data in one column. This is a problem with your cacti really, IMHO. Presumably your cacti graphs are showing NaNs as well?milesb wrote:<!-- 2007-06-19 21:35:00 BST / 1182285300 --> <row><v> NaN </v><v> 6.0630950804e+05 </v></row>
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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