TheWitness wrote:We are escaping most characters from the user interface to prevent injection exploits. However, first try the lib/snmp.php in SVN and provide feedback. That would be branch 0.8.6.
1rst of all thanks for your answer.
i have try the last version of snmp.php but there is no change.
I want to precise that the trouble using special char in the V1 snmp sommunity is only on the vmware template NOT on the other template, i can use generic ucd/snmp, net/snmp or some personal without any trouble.
The error is in the vmware template.
that it for the first point (special chars like &" in V1 community).
now, i have try to use vmware template on ESX server V2.X and 3.X.
- i have found trouble on ESV V3 with the VCPU graph, the "CPU Seconds As Percentage" CDEF seem to wrong and all VCPU are about 10* more compare to vmware virtual infra structure values.
- on both ESX version 2.x and 3.x some values are not graph (apparently hazardeous index),
a manual snmpwalk respond with corrects values, but graphs says there are problem with NAN (cf example screen copy).
hope this will help.