verify 95th percentile value

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Post by sys0p »

rony wrote:Can you post a screen shot of your rra screen?
I will attach one now, what about the rrd info , doesnt that look right ?
rra definition
rra definition
rradef.JPG (26.86 KiB) Viewed 2376 times
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Post by rony »

That is correct....

Wonder why the rrdtool file was recreated with the incorrect rows.
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Post by sys0p »

rony wrote:That is correct....

Wonder why the rrdtool file was recreated with the incorrect rows.
rra[14] 10 6 2 show 26280 rows, isnt that correct ?
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Post by sys0p »

rony wrote:That is correct....

Wonder why the rrdtool file was recreated with the incorrect rows.
how should the rrd definition should look ?
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Post by rony »

OK, well, I feel stupid....

Your rrd definition is correct in the rrdtool file. Just missed the 5 minute average DS... lol

Ignore my PM.. :)

Now, you realize that from this point forward that the 5 minute data will be stored for 3 months? What has happened in the past can not be recovered.
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Post by sys0p »

rony wrote:OK, well, I feel stupid....

Your rrd definition is correct in the rrdtool file. Just missed the 5 minute average DS... lol

Ignore my PM.. :)

Now, you realize that from this point forward that the 5 minute data will be stored for 3 months? What has happened in the past can not be recovered.
Now you know how the rest of the world feels 90% of the time (:

Ok thanks.. so the data is correct now, when I look at Monthly 95th percentile I see 5 minute average not 30 ?
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Post by rony »

sys0p wrote:Ok thanks.. so the data is correct now, when I look at Monthly 95th percentile I see 5 minute average not 30 ?
You are going to love my answer..... Maybe..... 8)

Nth percentile uses the rrd_fetch function of rrdtool. The default fetch does not specify a resolution to pull the data at, this is on purpose. We let rrdtool figure out the best resolution to return based upon the availability of data.

So, if you only have 3 days of 5 minute data, but you do have 2 months of monthly data and you select a month range, RRDTool will return the monthly data. The only way to guarantee that you will be 5 minute data is to make sure it's there. :)
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
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Post by sys0p »

rony wrote:
sys0p wrote:Ok thanks.. so the data is correct now, when I look at Monthly 95th percentile I see 5 minute average not 30 ?
You are going to love my answer..... Maybe..... 8)

Nth percentile uses the rrd_fetch function of rrdtool. The default fetch does not specify a resolution to pull the data at, this is on purpose. We let rrdtool figure out the best resolution to return based upon the availability of data.

So, if you only have 3 days of 5 minute data, but you do have 2 months of monthly data and you select a month range, RRDTool will return the monthly data. The only way to guarantee that you will be 5 minute data is to make sure it's there. :)
Then here it comes a noob question, do I have more 5 minute data in my rrd's than monthly data ? I think I do because I looked at the xml dump.

So basicly what do you think, the 95th percentile at monthly is for 5 minutes or not now ?
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Post by sys0p »

rony wrote:
sys0p wrote:Ok thanks.. so the data is correct now, when I look at Monthly 95th percentile I see 5 minute average not 30 ?
You are going to love my answer..... Maybe..... 8)

Nth percentile uses the rrd_fetch function of rrdtool. The default fetch does not specify a resolution to pull the data at, this is on purpose. We let rrdtool figure out the best resolution to return based upon the availability of data.

So, if you only have 3 days of 5 minute data, but you do have 2 months of monthly data and you select a month range, RRDTool will return the monthly data. The only way to guarantee that you will be 5 minute data is to make sure it's there. :)
Basicly here is the deal ,my boss is demanding that there are only 288 data points in one day.
I think he is asking for it in order to get accurate values.

Does this makes sense , do you think this is the fix ?
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Post by rony »

Um... With 5 minute average there is only 288 data points in a day.

Nothing to fix there.

When looking at the monthly graphs, you will see monthly data. You need to select the timespan at the top of the graph view page to see the 5 minute data for the month in question.
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Post by sys0p »

rony wrote:Um... With 5 minute average there is only 288 data points in a day.

Nothing to fix there.

When looking at the monthly graphs, you will see monthly data. You need to select the timespan at the top of the graph view page to see the 5 minute data for the month in question.
So then why do I see 1152 entries for one day in the xml after I dump that rrd file to an "xml" using rrdtool dump.
Shouldnt it be only 288 for one day ?

# cat t.xml|grep 2007-04-15|wc -l

How can I get only the 5 minute raw data from the rrd file to put it into an xls file and calculate it manually ?

Thanks !
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Post by rony »

RRDTool documentation is your best resource.

Also, your grep is flawed, read the docs and you will know what I'm talking about.
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Post by sys0p »

rony wrote:RRDTool documentation is your best resource.

Also, your grep is flawed, read the docs and you will know what I'm talking about.
Ok clearly I dont know much about this rrdtool, could you explain me a bit about this, how can I get these results the way I want ? or point me to the right place in the documentation ?

Thanks !
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Post by gandalf »

sys0p wrote: Ok clearly I dont know much about this rrdtool, could you explain me a bit about this, how can I get these results the way I want ? or point me to the right place in the documentation ?
You may want to consider my RRDTool Chapter at
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Post by sys0p »

gandalf wrote:
sys0p wrote: Ok clearly I dont know much about this rrdtool, could you explain me a bit about this, how can I get these results the way I want ? or point me to the right place in the documentation ?
You may want to consider my RRDTool Chapter at
Ok I think I got that right. I have another issue, I deleted some rra definitions and after I configured them back as they were .

Now when I go to :

Graphs -> List Mode -> <aggr02 - Traffic>

This means I use the preview view, I can only see the Daily (5 Minute Average) nothing about Monthly or Yearly.

For sure this Graph rrd have these rra defs inside.

What else do I have to change to get that working back ?

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