Question concerning PHP and WMI

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Question concerning PHP and WMI

Post by Zoepie »

Hi everyone,

In my company we have cacti running on a Linux server (and it runs good on it so there is no need to install it on windows) but this week I got an assignment to create extra graphs.
I already found a lot of information on this forum but I recently found myself stuck with another problem.

Since a lot of my data should be extracted from WMI and because cacti on Linux doesn't support WMI, I have to find other ways to get to that information.
I already looked at nrpe_nt but they don't want me to install additional software on the productionservers here.

I guess my only way out is through PHP scripting but I'm not sure where to begin.
I know a little php but I don't know how i have to pass parameters to the script. Second I don't know how to return the results (return???) So if there is anyone out there who knows how to give me the basic explanation on how to get started I would be so gratefull.

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Post by briealeida »

I don't know if it's too late for you or not but we are in exactly the same boat.

This is the suggestion that I got. I read it before and misinterpreted it. If you can set up a machinethat your Cacti queries can go through (a gateway of sorts), you're golden.

See here.
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