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Stevie G
United States
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No Server status

Unlike all the other BOINC projects I have worked on, WCG does not have a server status page, tab or link on the home page. There is no way to track how the project is running.

Each of my six other current projects has such a page, which provide some idea of what is happening on those projects.

Below is the servers status link for Rosetta, which, oddly enough has zeros for the first six categories, indicating that the project has no work. But it has lots of other relevant information about the project.
(Example--Rosetta Sever status)
Computing status
Tasks ready to send
Tasks in progress
Workunits waiting for validation
Workunits waiting for assimilation
Workunits waiting for file deletion
Tasks waiting for file deletion
Transitioner backlog (hours)
With credit 1374929
With recent credit 16794
Registered in past 24 hours 42
With credit 4501481
With recent credit 37544
Registered in past 24 hours 121
Current GigaFLOPS 40073.81

Where is that information on WCG? Nowhere? Why not?

Who don't they put it on the Home Page? I want to know why my computer has not gotten any WCG tasks recently. Are other people experiencing a similar absence of work?

C'mon, Krembil. Show us your stats.
[Dec 31, 2022 7:27:41 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Veteran Cruncher
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Re: No Server status

Are other people experiencing a similar absence of work?
Yes, the forum is full of this type of posts.

This is why I joined Tn-Grid. It keeps my hungry machines well fed. Follow the instructions in the Join TN-Grid paragraph.... and there is a status page. The current focus is on the "Homo sapiens genome", so it is medicine related and not connecting to ET or the search for ET. (which probably exist)

Don't blame Krembil. Blame IBM. They had this project for many years and never implemented this.
With all the problems Krembil have had and are still having, this is the least of their worries.
I have a list of stuff they could do once the problems are over. Not now.
[Edit 2 times, last edit by BobbyB at Dec 31, 2022 3:03:33 PM]
[Dec 31, 2022 2:54:11 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Stevie G
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Re: No Server status

I've participated in WCG for two years, so I know it is focused on medical issues.

SETI has been done for two years now. The jury is still out as to whether or not aliens exist.

WCG was more stable when IBM ran it.

Krembil implied there would be improvements once they acquired it.

IBM was remiss in not including a status page.

I know that WCG supports a lot of separate projects, so it might be more complicated to show the status of each. But these are smart guys. They could figure it out if they wanted to.

Apparently, the program was more complicated than Krembil anticipated when they took it on.

[Dec 31, 2022 4:12:25 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: No Server status

Apparently, the program was more complicated than Krembil anticipated when they took it on.

You are probably correct. Based on this they probably did not correctly allocate the appropriate amount of resources to neither effectively accomplish the transition nor provide for ongoing maintenance. Hindsight being 20/20, they should have put Kevin Reed and Keith Uplinger on the payroll for the first six months (or maybe IBM could have "loaned" them for the transition).
That being said, Krembil is making progress. They have made some effort to improve communication, but that remains a "work in progress." At the very least they are keeping a steady supply of MCM units (which is their home project).
It would be beneficial for the volunteers to periodically hear from the scientists involved in the various projects on some regular basis. Maybe every couple of months or so. Even some followup from the completed projects would be appreciated.
Sgt. Joe
*Minnesota Crunchers*
[Dec 31, 2022 4:49:45 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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