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Remote Desktop, Windows XP. Suggestions?

Hello all,

I'm a new cruncher at WCG, I've worked on another project for a while but decided to move on. I have a "networking" question I guess, and hope somebody could give me an answer on the following items. First, general background info:

All my machines are on XP, mostly Pro but some on Home edition. I have an area where I can set up some machines and just let them run. I will not be using them for anything really. I would rather not have them connected to a monitor and peripherals, and essentially control them from one of the computers on my home network. The machines will be wired and wireless through a Linksys router with DHCP running and connecting via Comcast Cable internet.

All the computers are on the same workgroup, and file/print sharing works fine. Remote desktop (and assistance) is enabled on all the machines, and all firewalls are configured to give an exception to RDP.

My question: When I use my main computer (from which I'll be controlling and monitoring the other computers) to connect to the crunchers, I have to use the IP address of the machines to connect. They all have meaningful computer names, but when I enter just the name of the computer, it ONLY connects once or twice. After that, the remote desktop screen to login does not even show up, and the process errors. If I use the IP addy of the machine itself, it'll connect everytime. That works fine and dandy for now, but as computers turn on and off or get disconnected, they may be issued different IPs from my Linksys router.

Does anybody have an idea why I cannot get it to work? It is strange that it works the first time I connect and afterwards, it only works with the IP. I also cannot go to "<browse for more>" and click through the network to find workstations, but I believe this is not supported on XP, only on Server editions of Windows. At my work, I remote desktop into all of our servers running Windows Server 2003. I just enter the name of the server, and it works fine with the server. All those servers at work have static IPs from a Cisco router. I tried configuring my home computers to have a static IP from the network connections of the computers themselves, but once it gets the IP, it'll show it's connected... And it does not actually get onto the 'net. So I reverted back to the network properties and set it to obtain IP addresses automatically.

I could get by with using RDP via the IP addresses, but I would like to assign static IPs. Is there something I have to do on the router to make this work? I'm in the IT field but I just maintain the servers and workstations at work. Things were all setup for me when I joined the company. ;) It would be extremely nice if I could just use the computer's name and not have to deal with IP addresses. Is this something I have to do with the HOSTS file on each cruncher maybe? All this IT stuff is still new to me as I did not study this, I just stumbled into the job.

Finally, I realized that with XP machines, if I log into a computer through RDP from my main machine... the machine I just logged into gets logged out. WCG's UD agent still runs after I disconnect though. However, I have 1 specific computer that is connected to a projector which I watch DVDs and play some games on. It would be nice if I could have it logged in ALL the time, even if I RDP into it. At my work, when I RDP into the servers, they do NOT get logged out. I'm guessing this is a function of the Windows Server operating systems. Is it possible to do this with XP?

I hope some of you MCSE guys can help me out! I'm still a newbie to this sort of networking stuff, and I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. If I have to use IPs and the computers will always log out if I remote in, then so be it. It would be nice to know if that is definite though, rather than just thinking I screwed up somewhere.

TIA for your responses! biggrin
[Sep 10, 2005 8:09:23 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Remote Desktop, Windows XP. Suggestions?

I should add that I would prefer not using RealVNC or other 3rd party programs. Not a problem paying for it, but I would rather make RDP work. It is already installed and the functionality is basically there. I'm just one of those people who hate installing software that I don't need on my computers. 25 processes or less on XP and I'm happy. :)
[Sep 10, 2005 8:24:03 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Remote Desktop, Windows XP. Suggestions?

Hello Chowbow,

I have a similar setup to yours, with a couple of "main" PC's with monitor and peripherals that I use for my regular computing tasks, and 20 others without monitor, keyboard or mouse that are dedicated to WCG.

All my systems are running XP-Pro and I manage all the remote PC's using the built-in remote desktop feature. Like you, I found it necessary to address the machines by IP address as browsing for computer names seems to work only occasionally. I presume this is because I have them all in a workgroup rather than as a server/client configuration. I chose this route because the only resource the remote machines need is an internet connection.

I used the Reserved IP Table of my router to assign permanent IP addresses to the remote machines, rather than have them dynamically assigned. Then I was able to save a remote desktop configuration file (.rdp) with a meaningful name for each remote PC to allow me to connect easily to any of them just by double-clicking on the appropriate .rdp filename.

I have a couple of tips for you that might be useful. If you want to reboot your remote machine using remote desktop click on the START button then choose RUN, and run the command "shutdown -r -t 10" which will shut down the remote PC after 10 seconds and re-start it.

I also run the command "taskmgr" if I want to run the Windows Task Manager on the remote PC, as using the CTR-ALT-DEL keys just fires up task manager on the local machine.

Happy crunching - I'm heading for a million points in a few days!

[Sep 10, 2005 11:43:57 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Remote Desktop, Windows XP. Suggestions?

Hi David,

Thanks for the response. I found a way to use static IPs with my Linksys router. It seems that I have to use numbers in multiples of 5 starting with and going up to .30, .35 etc. each time. Worked great for me and I am crunching without monitors now. smile

Like you, I have setup .rdp files and use those to quickly access my machines. Great tips on the taskmgr and restart. I believe you can actually make a desktop icon too for shutdown/restart. There was a tutorial about it somewhere, and if I find it I'll post it up.
[Sep 11, 2005 9:32:25 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Remote Desktop, Windows XP. Suggestions?

Hello again,

and thanks for your reply. I presume you also have set up your remote PC's to boot up automatically after power is applied? I struggled with this a little until I discovered the run "control userpasswords2" command, which allows you to choose which user to log on as the PC powers up.

You must have a password set first for the required user, and of course you need to make the appropriate setting in the BIOS (usually disabling advanced power management features) to ensure the PC boots up as power is applied. With the number of power cuts we seem to get here this method has saved a lot of crunching down-time! My main PC's have a UPS supplying them but I can't afford them for all the dedicated grid computers.

[Sep 11, 2005 1:53:58 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Remote Desktop, Windows XP. Suggestions?

You can only connect by IP address because the firewalls on each individual machine are blocking the broadcast packets used by your main machine's Browser service to find other machines on the network.

Since you're running all machines behind a Linksys router that uses Network Address Translation (NAT), you probably won't lose anything by turning the firewalls on your machines off. The NAT on the router prevents outside connections to your machines unless you specifically allow it.

Once the firewalls are off, you'll be able to connect to each machine by name and see all of them in "My Network Places".

To maintain WCG running when any user is logged on (or when no user is logged on), run WCG as a service. You can use my VBS script along with some other programs (see the post) to convert your installations of WCG to a service.

You cannot use RDP to connect to Windows XP Home or Pro in a separate login session from the user that's logged on to the console. This is a specific function of Windows 2000 and 2003 server. The only way to have simultaneous logons under XP Home or Pro is to use Remote Assistance, which allows both the local console user and the remote user to have control over the same login session. But a user has to be at the local machine to give permission for the Administrator to connect using Remote Assistance for it to work.
[Sep 12, 2005 2:23:02 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Remote Desktop, Windows XP. Suggestions?

Thanks for the answers Dan. I'll just setup the machines via static IP now since I have configured it to do so already. The tip about the XP firewall and the computer names is a good one though, it'll help in the future. Thanks. Just for an extra layer of protection, I figure I'll leave the XP firewall on even though it probably does not do much right now.

If I log onto the machines via RDP and then close the connection, WCG still runs even though it is not set as a service, so I will go ahead and keep it as is. I have bookmarked your VBS script thread though for future reference.
[Sep 12, 2005 5:09:23 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Remote Desktop, Windows XP. Suggestions?

Excellent and instructive discussion between the two of you. I run a very similar configuration to yours. I did something a bit different to help with all this.

The first thing I did was put a NAT router between the Intenet and my network. Behind that is a "Firewall" machine that also runs the WCG.

The firewall machine runs Internet Connection Sharing (as the host) so all Internet traffic from the other machines is funnled through it via another router.

There are no firewalls on the other machines and they communicate freely and obtain their IPs dynamically. One of them is the one that I normally use. I do RDC to get to each machine and have to address only one (the firewall machine) using an IP number. The rest are just refered to by name. It works very well and I believe is reasonably safe.

Thanks for the shutdown tip etc. I will be using them.
Kind regards
One of your friends in Texas cowboy
RT Website Hosting

[Edit 1 times, last edit by RT at Sep 12, 2005 12:45:18 PM]
[Sep 12, 2005 12:43:09 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Remote Desktop, Windows XP. Suggestions?

Found the link for shortcut to shutdown / restart:
[Sep 12, 2005 7:46:15 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Remote Desktop, Windows XP. Suggestions?


I've been a bit quiet because having talked to you about my router the wretched thing fried itself to a frazzle on Monday evening! A replacement has just arrived so I'm just about to start entering all those fixed IP addresses again.

I guess I have most of my machines queuing up to connect to the grid server.

[Sep 14, 2005 7:53:57 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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