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World Community Grid Forums
Category: Beta Testing Forum: Beta Test Support Forum Thread: New Beta badges awarded |
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Thread Status: Active Total posts in this thread: 936
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Advanced Cruncher Joined: Aug 24, 2005 Post Count: 67 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
And after 11 years - Emerald!
Cruncher Joined: Jul 21, 2005 Post Count: 48 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Bronze - Finally! The last of the non badged running projects.
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Master Cruncher USA Joined: Jan 6, 2007 Post Count: 2803 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Almost 10 years to get RUBY.
Crunching for humanity since 2007!
Senior Cruncher France Joined: Mar 4, 2005 Post Count: 239 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
11.5 years to get ruby !
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Crystal Pellet
Veteran Cruncher Joined: May 21, 2008 Post Count: 1316 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
F. Bravo
Cruncher Joined: Apr 28, 2007 Post Count: 13 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Dear friends,
----------------------------------------I've been in WCG for so many years, but I've only got a bronze badge for Beta. Do you have any tips for receiving more Beta WUs? Thank you! Best regards, F. B. [Edit 1 times, last edit by F. Bravo at Dec 24, 2016 2:32:58 PM] |
Master Cruncher Scotland Joined: Apr 6, 2005 Post Count: 2977 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
F. B., Whilst yes, there are some tricks and tips on getting Beta WU's, never ever be ashamed of only having a Bronze badge for this particular project. Beta WU's are sometimes few and far between - and even when there are WU's, they're usually gone in a blink of an eye that you're lucky to even see/receive one or two. Thus, timing is crucial.
----------------------------------------Really, it's a case of 'keeping your eyes and ears open' in the various forums (particularly in the Beta Forums), and if/when you do see a sniff of a Beta run approaching, using the same methodology as people who are trying to get HSTB WU's are using (i.e., only have HSTB selected and a larger than normal cache, so that your BOINC client keeps on trying). One thing that has changed for the better with the Beta WU's, is the fact that you're only allowed 1 Beta WU/core - therefore, 4 cores = 4 Beta WU's at max, therefore there's a greater spread of machines/members that have a chance of catching an elusive Beta WU. Thus, if you do receive a Beta WU - get it started ASAP, as then it can be completed quicker, freeing up that core to receive a possible replacement down the road. |
Veteran Cruncher Scotland Joined: Apr 30, 2007 Post Count: 674 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
If you get any advance warning in the forums that a Beta is due to start soon you might consider switching to crunch short-running tasks like Zika beforehand. The more times you complete a WU, the more times your machine contacts the server to seek new work.
If you are crunching WU's that take 24-48 hrs to complete then by the time your machine finishes that task, reports in, and asks for a more work the odds are that all the Beta units will have been hoovered up already if it is a small Beta test. If you were crunching small jobs in that same amount of time you'd finish a dozen or more and have asked for new work a similar number of times. So even without all the micromanaging and goings on of the hardened Beta WU seekers by the simple step of changing the types of units you are processing immediately before a beta starts you increase your chances of snaring one twelvefold. Don't be mislead though by the Beta badges some long term participants have, they are massively harder to get now. Aside from the fact that many are running more than one multi core machine, back in the good old days it was possible to pull down up to 10 days supply of Betas for a multi core machine, and Betas were longer and more frequent. |
F. Bravo
Cruncher Joined: Apr 28, 2007 Post Count: 13 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Dear gb009761 and widdershins,
Thank you very much for your answers! Happy holidays! Best regards, F. B. |
Advanced Cruncher Canada Joined: Feb 2, 2012 Post Count: 91 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Silver! Thank you for the opportunity to contribute.